Temporary Assistance Needed
Hare Krishna:
I am looking for temporary assistance between now through Oct. 5 th or 13th.
Need basic computer skills, English spoken and written, ability to communicate with other, and visible sadhana. Main services will include Janmastami Festival Planning and execution as well as Radhastami Festival. Assist with Art Seminar (can even take the seminar, if inclined) and Vaishnavi Retreat.
Must be able to relocate to New Vrindaban during this time and be willing to work outside of the box!
Ability to drive &driver’s license is helpful but not essential.
For further details, please contact:
malati dasi: 304-845-9591
_malatidevi@aol.com_ (mailto:malatidevi@aol.com)
Also needed: an assistant between April and November, 2011.