ECOV Board Minutes 10/19/12

ECOV Board Meeting – Minutes 10-19-2012

  Called to order at 9:17 AM.

Members present: Krpamaya, Madhava Gosh, Navin Shyam, Ranaka; Advisors present: Jaya Krsna, Sukhavaha

  1. 1.      Approve agenda

Jaya Krsna added a provisional item related to drilling a commercial well.

 2.      Review and approve previous meeting minutes

    1. These were approved over e-mail.
    2. We also revised the project publicity/minutes distribution procedure.

Old business

 3.      Budget categories

 Motion: Create two intermediate categories for projects, to supplement the current options of “Proposed” (no decision has been taken at all) and “Approved” (funding and responsibility have been allocated).

“Pipeline” – A proposal to which the Board has given tentative and conceptual approval.

“Pending” – A pipleline project that has been further developed and toward which the Board has expressed stronger tentative and conceptual approval.  Usually, only one missing piece is needed (e.g. a project manager, sufficient funding) to allow the proposal to be considered for final approval.

These designations serve two functions:

1)    They assure the proposer that it is worthwhile for him/her to research and pull together a formal, detailed proposal.

2)    They provide guidance to the Board in making future allocation decisions, as a background of other commitments that may be on the horizon.

Neither designation is binding; both (to different degrees) express more of a “good faith” interest.

Vote: Approved unanimously.

Motion: Future approvals may contain an expiration date, after which the funding will no longer be available.

For any approval that has not been expired, a supermajority will be necessary to defund it.

Vote: Approved unanimously.

4.      Grant application

 Motion: Approve the edited version of the grant request form.

Vote: Approved unanimously.

5.      Ahimsa milk brochure

 Navin Shyam will be soliciting feedback from various devotees.

No formal action was required.

6.      Grant request: Dham Seva Solar Pump

 This can be addressed through remaining balance in already approved funding for PV panels.

No formal action was required.

7.      Grant request: Gopal’s Garden

Vote: Approved unanimously.

8.      INMV loan request: Commercial water well

 Motion: Loan to INMV to finance construction of a new water well.

Vote: Approved unanimously.

Action steps: Ranaka and Jaya Krsna will execute an informal agreement establishing the loan status, but no strict schedule of repayment will be established.

9.      Purchase Gorsky’s 262 acres

Motion: Authorize Gopisa to negotiate to purchase the property.

Vote: Approved unanimously.

Action steps: Ranaka will investigate bank and/or seller financing.


Adjourned at 10:51 AM.



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