New Year’s Kirtan & Harinama

To celebrate the coming of the New Year, we will have an all day and all
night kirtan for the pleasure of Sri Sri Radha-Vrindaban Candra. Beginning at 9 am on Sunday, December 31st, kirtan will continue all day and hopefully until mangala-arati on January 1st. Prasadam will be served at 8 pm for everyone.
If you’d like to join in for the all-night kirtan (grouped by two hour slots), please contact Parampara Prabhu (221.1000 or 843.1600, extension 107) or leave a comment on this post. Kirtaniyas are also needed for daytime kirtan.
“O respected sage! It is unnecessary to study at length the Rg Veda, Yajur
Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda. The prime necessity, however, is to
perform sankirtana of the names of Sri Hari, such as Govinda and so on. Just
constantly perform this activity.â€
–Jaiva Dharma