Site Archives

Wedding Lecture In New Vrindaban

Lecture by HH Radhanath Maharaja At the Wedding of Bhavatarine and Govinda Ghosh Govardhan Puja, New Vrndavana, October 25, 2002 “Today is a very auspicious occasion. These two very wonderful devotees, Govinda Ghosh Prabhu and Maharani Bhavatarini devi have earned the respect and love of so many Vaisnavas all over the world, that New Vrndavana […]

WTOV 9 Weather Blog Feb. 6

FEBRUARY 6, 2007: FEBRRRRRUARY A record low of 4 below zero was set today in Steubenville breaking the old record of 2 below zero in 1995. Here is a list that I compiled of temperatures from earlier this morning sent in by viewers.,, -4 in Wheeling, WV Today’s Weather Quiz At what temperature is Fahrenheit […]

Nityananda Trayodasi in photos

Kitchen Crew at work Sri Sri Gaura Nitai in evening arati Abhiseka Matajis dancing Cakes and more cakes Rupanuga Prabhu’s gulabs And last but not least, Dayananda in the pot room at 10 pm. . . .

The swans today and in June

Last year the swans had laid 5 eggs, but they were all taken and eaten by some animals, likely racoons. This put both of the parent swans in such a distressed condition. For a weeks they would hang around their nest, moving things around and looking as if someone coud do something for them, so […]

The Return of Radha-VrindavanCandra

by Suresvara dasa (from Oct. 1978 B.S.) The motorcycle gang that had attacked the temple was now gone. But, for the devotees, life without the presence of the Deities was simply another type of death. June, 1973 had just begun. We were in Flint, Michigan, two weeks out of the San Diego temple on traveling […]

Sri VrindabanChandra’s Lotus Feet on 2007-02-04

“SOLD-OUT ANIMAL” by Bhakta Chris

The leash isn’t long enough      My neck snaps back as I dash ahead Pretty girls, Ferrari zooms by, big big football game Some friends whom are okay and only a little harmless      I bark and snap and roll in the waste of my instincts Guttural sounds, the shape of things to […]

Lord Nrsmhadeva’s Lotus Feet

As seen in the left picture, Lord Nrsmhadeva always has His Lotus Right Foot plainly visable for everyone to see and aspire to serve, and rarely does He show the world His Lotus Left Foot.  He usually keeps it covered or hidden with His doti, but both yesterday and today, for the first and only times, in many many weeks has His […]

Sri Sri Radha-VrindabanChandra 2007-02-01

Beginning Govardhan Sila Puja

by Gaura Shakti I was actually the first person to start worshiping this Govardhana Sila that Radhanath Swami and Mahabuddhi prabhu brought back from India. At that time, I was the pujari for the 2 Salagram Sila’s that New Vrindaban had. Srila Prabhupada said that we (the devotees in New Vrindaban) should begin Salagram Sila […]