HH Purushtraya Swami comes to New Vrindaban!

Programs in New Vrindaban RVC Temple
Srimand Bhagavatam Class – Wednesday Morning 8:00 AM
Gaura Vrindavana Farm presentation –Wednesday Evening 5:30 PM
in the guest prasadam hall
Srimad Bhagavatam Class –Thursday Morning 8:00 AM
My name is Purushatraya Swami, Srila Prabhupada disciple, Brazilian, age
62, leading book distributor as brahmacari, Sannyasi initiation in Mayapur
1985, resident of Vrndavana for 8 years in the nineties. Presently, I
coordinate a farm community Gaura Vrndavana in Southeastern Brazil
(www.goura.com.br). By Krishna’s mercy, we have a very big (1500 acres) and
wonderful piece of land on the mountains, which is covered by a famous Atlantic
rain forest. This project, after twenty years, is becoming one of the best
examples of self-sufficiency in ISKCON. Organic agriculture, cow protection,
plowing by oxen, production of electricity, and a dried banana factory are just
some of the rural activities that are going on in our project. We have a nice
slide show presentation which I have shown extensively in many universities and
ISKCON temples around the world.