ECOV Board Meeting Minutes – May 18th, 2013


ECOV Board Meeting Minutes 5-18-2013

Participating Members of the Board of Directors: Anuttama, Chaitanya Mangala, Kripamaya, Navin Shyam, Ranaka

1. Increase allocation for water bottle filling station

WHEREAS: The ECOV Board wishes to reduce the use of plastic water bottles on New Vrindaban property.

RESOLVED: The Board increases our original grant of $1600 for a water bottle filling station in the restaurant (as recorded in the minutes of the March 2, 2013 meeting) by $1500 – for a total of $3100 – to allow for the purchase of an outdoor station to be placed outside the restaurant.

2. Materials for prototype housing

WHEREAS: The ECOV Board has committed to funding the construction of a prototype alternative construction residence at the Garden of Seven Gates.

RESOLVED: The Board approves up to $5000 for materials for the prototype house construction project.

3. Temple barn fence replacement

WHEREAS: The fence around the temple barn and palace pastures is no longer effectively containing the cows.

RESOLVED: The Board approves transfer of the remaining balance already approved for the Madhuban Eco-Village fence $5,152, together with a new allocation of $2,000, toward replacing the strand of electric fence on the back side of the Palace with a white board fence, and replacing the rest of the fence that runs from the temple barn out through the woods, along the backside of the palace and then along the state road back to the barn with high-tensile smooth wire fencing.

4. Project Manager’s Reports

The ECOV Board reviewed the active list of approved projects. Among the updates:

• The bins have been purchased for the grain storage project. An auger still needs to be purchased to move grain from the floor to the top of the bins for filling. Then the supply of grain to fill the bins must be determined.

• Repairs to the utility building at Bahulaban will likely be delayed due to an INV manpower shortage.

• The Deity milk offering project is happening. Navin Shyam will check-in with Jaya Krsna and Nityodita about the progress.

• Navin Shyam will check-in with Jaya Krsna about the remaining 2 water filling stations (Palace & outside restaurant), and will also coordinate the signage and metal water bottle selling with him.

5. Bahulaban Pink Building Removal

WHEREAS: The ECOV Board wishes to ensure the ecological responsibility of demolition projects on ECOV and INV lands.

RESOLVED: The Board approves of the demolition plan for the pink building at Bahulaban as proposed by Gopisa, involving the renting of dumpsters for removal of foam insulation waste and any other toxic materials, and the hiring of workers to separate such waste from the wood and stone/concrete, which will be reused.

6. Grant request & micro-loan inquiry

WHEREAS: The ECOV Board wishes to ensure that any funding it provides is consistent with the laws governing non-profit corporations.

RESOLVED: The Board approves up to $500 to get legal advice on if, and how, ECOV might be able to offer microloans and grants to start or support small businesses in New Vrindaban.

7. Rafael’s involvement

WHEREAS: The ECOV Board wishes to decrease the management burden on Gosh while simultaneously granting more responsibility to Rafael.

RESOLVED: Based on the recommendations by Gosh, the Board approves Rafael as Project Manager for the following projects:

• Deity flower garden,

• Temple/lodge garden beds, and

• Trees & berries

As the Project Manager, Rafael will report to Ranaka and coordinate his efforts in and around the Temple and Garden of Seven Gates with Tapahpunja and Jaya Krsna. Gosh will continue to act as an advisor on these projects.

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