Site Archives

From the New Vrindaban Garden June 2, 2014

Greetings from the Garden… Over the last two weeks the gardens here at New Vrindaban have begun there early summer transformation. The Meditation Garden located at the back of the temple beside the kitchen has flourishing oregano, new azalea bushes, calendula, and more. Its a great place to spend some time and soon we will […]

New Vrindaban Daily darsan @ June 01, 2014.

By displaying a great abundance of transcendental wealth, love for Vrndavana Forest laughs at millions of Kuveras. By displaying great power of intelligence, love for Vrndavana forest eclipses a great host of intelligent Brhaspatis. That love removes the lamentation of separation from wife, children and others. Because it is filled with the nectar of love […]

Srila Prabhupada Envisions New Vrindaban Janmastami Celebrations To Be Held “With Great Pomp” And For His Followers To Make Pilgrimage Annually – May 1970

Srila Prabhupada Envisions New Vrindaban Janmastami Celebrations To Be Held “With Great Pomp” And For His Followers To Make Pilgrimage Annually – May 1970. From a series of letters written by Srila Prabhupada outlining his vision for New Vrindaban. Thanks to Vanipedia for the source material. —————————————————————— May 22, 1970 My Dear Hayagriva, Please accept my blessings. I beg to […]