The Cleaning of New Vrindaban’s Sacred Kundas
Cleaning the Kundas in New Vrindaban Dhama
by Sukhavaha dasi, Madri dasi & Lilasuka dasi
Radha Kunda, the crest jewel of Govardhan, is now beautifully shining, and freshly lined.
New Vrindaban’s replica Radha Kunda up on the replica of Govardhan Hill got a fresh lining at the end of this summer of 2014. It’s called “Rhino”, a type of cement which hardens into enamel, and is guaranteed for 30 years not to leak. This took two weeks, and lots of time and energy to shovel all the muck at the bottom. After seeing the beauty of Radha Kunda, and understanding that Lalita Kunda is also leaking, Gopisa Prabhu suggested that we also line Lalita Kunda and Shyama Kunda.
Sukhavaha dasi relates the story:
“We had the rare opportunity of immersing ourselves (literally) in the sacred mud of those kundas, thus receiving some very special mercy. There was only two days to clean out the other two kundas. Tilak das and I worked along with some help from Lalita Gopi dasi, Ananda Vidya das, Madri dasi and Gaura Shakti, and some extra help from Venkatta das, TK das, Navin das, Daivata das and Bhaktin Autumn as we all proceeded to clean out Shyama Kunda, which was going to be really simple, because it was only 3 and ½ feet deep, according to Varsana Maharaj. No big deal. “We will have this done in no time”, we thought. Well, see the story in pictures below.”

23 Did no-one realize that maybe I put it there for a good reason – to protect the deer or humans from drowning in such a deep Kunda?