ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 05/05/2019

ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 05/05/2019
Mission Statement: ECO-Vrindaban promotes cow protection, local agriculture, and above all, loving Krishna, as envisioned by Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON New Vrindaban’s Founder-Acharya.
Participating Directors: Anuttama, Chaitanya Mangala, Jamuna Jivani (board secretary), Makara (chair), Olivia, Ranaka, and Vraja.
Participating Advisors: Jaya Krsna and Kripamaya
1. Ranaka’s Monthly Report
- Lalita Gopi (Temple Barn)
- Currently seven cows being milked at the barn. Anjali, Usa, Jaya Radhe, Lakshmi, Cintamani, Surabhi, Subhadra. They are providing 25 gal of milk daily.
- Cintamani gave birth to a heifer on April 22. They are both doing very well. The calf has been named Satyabhama.
- There are three calves residing at the barn: Satyabhama, Jai Sri, and Puspavati.
- Anandavidya is currently making 30-40 lb of butter and 20 gal of yogurt weekly.
- The Temple Barn has been painted by Lalita Gopi with help from Gopakumar, Jamuna, Moses, Nolan, Manuel, Will, and John.
- The Cow Festival was held April 27 and 28. We had visitors from local areas. There was an incense making booth, butter making booth, and local products for sale. The guests brushed and decorated the cows.
- The vet came to treat an infected wound on Parijata
- Parijata is due to calf soon.
- Ray (General Farmhand)
- Moved hay to Temple Barn and Nandagram
- Barn and equipment maintenance
- Continuing with the cleanup of the Brick Yard area in preparation for the installation of the two high tunnel greenhouses this summer
- Moved 26 cows from the Valley Barn and two cows from the Temple Barn to Bahulaban for summer pasture.
- Planted 1,400 lb of potato seed with the assistance of Caitanya Bhagavat. Half of the seed was planted in the Community Garden and half was planted below Valley Barn in bottom by Wheeling Creek.
- Rearranged the remaining hay in the Valley Barn in preparation for this summer’s hay making and storage.
- Prepared the hay making equipment for the upcoming season
- Replaced wind-damaged skylight on the Temple Barn with the assistance from Caitanya Bhagavat.
- Moved manure from Temple Barn feed area to Community Garden for composting and storage.
- Caitanya Bhagavat (Nandagram & Bahulaban)
- Daily cow care for Nandagram and Bahulaban cows, including monitoring the herd numbers and veterinarian checks.
- Walked and maintained all fence lines
- Mowed and weed whacked at Nandagram and Valley Barn.
- Completed Bahulaban fencing for summer pasturing of 28 cows. Repaired fences and made new fence lines and brace posts.
- We had the great fortune to serve Tulsi, one of our Brown Swiss cows, in her passing. She was one of Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Chandra’s retired milk cows. She was 16 years old and had given birth to Kesava and Manjari, and had a grandson, Balarama. She left this world in our geriatric barn at Nandagram in the presence of Salagram silas, and surrounded by her half sister Ganga, her friend and herd mate Punya Koti, our youngest oxen Bhadra and Asesa, and our burro Bodhi. She was listening to Srila Prabhupada’s kirtan, drinking Radha Kunda water with Govardhana dust, and eating maha prasada and tulasi leaves.
- Suchandra (Community & Teaching Gardens)
- Tilled dahlia beds for planting.
- Planted dahlias.
- Started pepper seeds and roma tomato seeds.
- Organized and cleaned out the front area of the storage building at the Teaching Garden.
- Teaching Garden and Community Garden seasonal planning.
- Vidya’s Garden
- Picked 10 lb of asparagus
- Planted 40 bitter melon plants
- Seeded a 50-foot row of green beans
- Started and transplanted 300 tomato plants
- Started and transplanted 2,000 flowers
- Picked lilacs and other flowers
- Ranaka (General Manager)
- Ordered two 30’ x 96’ high tunnels from Yoder’s, secured by a $5,000 down payment. These will be installed by them this summer.
- Purchased new Honda ATV for $6,401 to be used by Caitanya Bhagavat for fencing and herd care.
- With the birth of Satyabhama and death of Tulasi, the total herd count remains at 63.
2. External Funding Request: $500K for Prabhupada’s Palace Roof Restoration
WHEREAS: ECO-V wishes to help preserve Srila Prabhupada’s preeminent samadhi in North America.
RESOLVED: The ECO-Vrindaban board authorizes up to $500K toward Prabhupada’s Palace roof and dome restoration effort, as presented by members of the ISKCON New Vrindaban board and the Palace Restoration Committee.
Here’s a link to the ECO-Vrindaban website.
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