ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 07/21/2019

ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 07/21/2019
Mission Statement: ECO-Vrindaban promotes cow protection, local agriculture, and above all, loving Krishna, as envisioned by Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON New Vrindaban’s Founder-Acharya.
Participating Directors: Anuttama (partial attendance), Chaitanya Mangala, Jamuna Jivani (board secretary), Makara (chair), Olivia (partial attendance), Ranaka, and Vraja.
Participating Advisors: Allegra (partial attendance), Kripamaya.
1. Ranaka’s Monthly Report
Lalita Gopi (Temple Barn)
- There are eight cows being milked (Subhadra, Surabhi, Cintamani, Parijata, Sita, Vamsika, Jaya Radhe, and Usha). Jade, Venkata, and Joshua Rama have been helping.
- 22 to 23 gal of milk are being produced daily.
- Approximately 30 lb of yogurt and 30 lb of butter are produced weekly.
- There are five calves: Prahlada, Satyabhama, Puspavati, Narda, and Dhruva
- Two bulls were born: one to Sita and one to Vamsika. They were named Narada and Dhruva, respectively.
- Two cows have been moved to Bahulaban: Anjali who has retired from the milk herd, and Jaya Sri who is now 13 months old.
Ray (Farmhand)
- Hauled four dump trailer loads of aged manure from Nandagram to the high tunnel site.
- Hauled and spread three loads of fill dirt from Broken Hill to the high tunnel area to repair the entrance.
- Cut, baled, and stacked 390 bales in the barn, in addition to the 48 round bales of hay from last report. He was assisted by Joshua Rama and Caitanya Bhagavat. Total hay baled and stored in Valley Barn is now 438 800-lb round bales. The total hay baled and stacked in Nandagram barn is 28, giving us a grand total of 466 bales produced to date for 2019.
- Hauled and spread two dump trailer loads of fill dirt to Kestner hay field road.
Caitanya Bhagavat (Nandagram & Bahulaban)
- Daily cow care and count at Nandagram and Bahulaban.
- Checked and maintained fence lines at Nandagram and Bahulaban.
- Mowed and weed whacked at Nandagram and Valley Barn
- Helped Lila and Vidya in the garden department.
- Assisted in hay-making operation by moving bales from field and stacking in Valley and Nandagram Barns.
Suchandra (Community & Teaching Gardens)
- Planted second crop of marigolds at the Teaching Garden, as well as some more tomato plants
- Planted second crop of green beans at the Community garden
- Made more cages for vining beans and tomatoes and put them at Community Garden and Teaching garden. We now have around 100 that can be used again next year.
- Picked 150 lilies, 50 gladiolas, and 1,000 small marigolds at the Teaching Garden; and 150 large marigolds at the Community Garden.
- Picked first batch of green beans at the Community Garden.
- Trimmed tomato plants at the Community Garden to help the tomatoes ripen faster.
- Planted cucumbers and winter squash at the Community garden.
- Layed ground cover in walkways, weeded lily and dahlia beds and the teepee in Teaching Garden.
- Planted loki squash at Teaching Garden.
Vidya (Vidya’s Garden)
- Started a second planting of marigolds (approximately 500 plants)
- Picked four harvests of green beans and removed plants for a second planting (75-foot row and a 50-foot row)
- Organized a meeting with Angie, Lila, and Suchandra to explain the importance of a commitment to days of picking so that every day fresh flowers are given to the temple. The goal is for the temple to be completely independent from commercial flowers.
Angie (Vidya’s Garden)
- Tilled seven beds
- Covered all beds with plastic
- Planted:
- 70 tomato plants
- 140 bittermelon plants
- 30’ row of bush beans
- Two 30’ rows of kale
- 36 bell pepper plants
- 30’ row of pole beans (2nd crop)
- 50’ row of bush beans (3rd crop)
- 20 Indian squash plants
- 10 flats of marigolds and 2 flats of sunflower seeds
- tub of cilantro
- 100 sunflower seeds in ground
- Landscaped, weed whacked, and mowed garden property
- Disassembled garden fencing, and removed T-posts and former plastic from old garden in preparation for high tunnel
- Cleaned out garage and garden shed area
- Weeded garden
- Delivered kale, asparagus, lettuce, and flowers to the temple kitchen
- Filled in mud hole in driveway with rocks
- Put 70 cages around tomatoes
- Planted six broccoli, red cabbage, and brussels sprout plants
- Harvested and delivered to temple:
- Lettuce – 32 heads
- Asparagus – 36 lb
- Peonies – 159
- Lilac – 3
- Marigolds – 158
- Lilies – 8
- Kale – 30 bunches (9 stalks)
- Marigolds – 4,687
- Gladiolas – 18
- Lilies – 906
- Kale – 107 bunches
- Lettuce – 8 heads
- Green Beans – 73.5 lb
- Red Cabbage – 2 heads
- Tomatoes – 36 lb
- Zinnias – 18
- Sunflowers – 6
- Started 12 flats of marigolds and two flats of sunflowers
- Transplanted marigolds and sunflowers
- Covered open areas of garden with plastic to prevent weeds
- Weeded garden
- Started lettuce and cilantro seeds, then transplanted
- Covered high tunnel area with plastic
- Mowed and weed whacked garden property
- Fixed chicken wire on trellises for bitter melons
Lila (Nandagram Garden)
- Harvested and delivered to the temple kitchen (all quantities reported in pounds):
- Lettuce – 3.5
- Kale – 0.75
- Swiss Chard – 0.25
- Beets with greens – 8.25
- Zucchini – 113.75
- Summer Squash-4.25
- Sweet Pea – 12.5
Ranaka (General Manager)
- Yoder’s finished the construction of two 30′ x 96′ high tunnels. Ranaka is in the process of ordering electric wire, hydrants, and plumbing fittings. Also, he is ordering parts for automatic watering drip line systems.
- Met with Kacey and Vidya to discuss the overall high tunnel bed layout, seeding schedules, and drip line systems.
- ECO-V had a booth at the Wheeling Ratha-Yatra. Lalita Gopi, Anandavidya, Joshua Rama, Elena and Ranaka staffed it in shifts throughout the event. Guests were given the opportunity to make their own butter and apply it to Lalita’s homemade muffins. Srila Prabhupada’s books were on display along with ECO-V handbags for sale. Suchandra and Syama were in the next booth, displaying and selling fresh ECO-V garden produce.
- With the birth of the two bull calves Dhruva and Narada, the total herd count is now 66.
2. Internal Funding Request: $10K for Commemoration Plaques
WHEREAS: The ECO-V Board wishes to acknowledge the dedication of key community members who played vital roles in the history of cow protection in New Vrindaban.
RESOLVED: The Board approves up to $10K for additional bronze cast memorial plaques to commemorate the 50th anniversary of cow protection in New Vrindaban.
3. Internal Funding Request: $6K for a High Tunnel
WHEREAS: ECO-V wishes to extend the growing season for its gardens.
RESOLVED: The ECO-V board authorizes up to $6K for the co-purchase of a high tunnel to be placed in Vidya’s garden for growing flowers and veggies for the Deities and Temple kitchens.
Here’s a link to the ECO-Vrindaban website.
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