November 2015 Brijabasi Spirit Newsletter
Dedicated to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Srila Prabhupada’s Disappearance Day Festival

Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasasan

Sankirtan Prabhu giving powerpoint presentation

Mother Madri sharing her appreciation for Srila Prabhupada
What followed was a pushpanjali offering to Srila Prabhupada and an ecstatic kirtan where everyone danced very joyfully with gratitude.A grand feast cooked by Prabhupada’s disciples Advaita Prabhu, Kaladri Prabhu, Katila, Madri, Gopisa, Tejomaya, Jayasri and others followed the kirtan. Our locally well-known cake maker, Lakshman Isvara, made a gigantic cake for Srila Prabhupada’s pleasure. Later in the evening, there was also a program at Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold where devotees gathered to offer more stories and appreciations.
We would like to give a special thanks to Lokadristi devi dasi, Harinam dasi, and Bhaktin Stacy for decorating Srila Prabupada’s vyasasana so nicely.
Srila Prabhupada Ki- Jaya!
Govardhan Puja & Diwali Celebration
With the autumn season ending, the time of Kartik at its peak and thanksgiving just around the corner, this year’s Govardhan Puja Festival set a sweet mood for family bonding and devotee association.
This year’s festival had an extra sweet mood with many New Vrindaban community devotees participating. Devotees prepared sweets for Govardhan and made a transcendental Govardhan Hill, headed by Mother Sundari. The Govardhan hill was made of delicious halava, potatoes, squash, cookies, sandesh, and sweet balls. Three Govardhan Silas sat comfortably on top.
The abhiseka started around 5pm when devotees met in the Temple room to bathe the Govardhan sila with scented water, honey and other bonafide liquids. Sankirtan Prabhu, known for his storytelling, gave a class about Govardhan Lila which followed by an evening Aarti, Govardhan Puja Song with the community members and the circumambulation of Govardhan Hill. ?The community members were very blessed to have Varsana Maharaj who joined the evening program to circumambulate Govardhan Hill.
Then, there was a feast prepared by Sivaraj and Sri Rupa Prabhus: a combination of rice, dhal, two subjis, puris, pakoras, sweet rice, and many, many other sweet offerings!
On Saturday, the New Vrindaban Preaching team hosted a Diwali Festival in honor of Lord Ramachandra’s return to his Kingdom of Ayodhya. Many guests came to offer candles which were set around the temple room in front of Radha Vrindabana Chandra and Srila Prabhupada as an offering to Lord Ramachandra. A fire sacrafice was also offered to honor this auspicious night; the celebration ended with fireworks at Kusam Sarovara.
All Glories to Lord Ramachandra!
Kartik 24-Hour Kirtan

The festival began Friday evening October 30th with an inauguration kirtan from 7-9 pm. Amala Kirtan Das led the kirtan as guests tricked in to attend. In the morning, Srimad Bhagavatam class was led by Varsana Maharaj and shortly after devotees congregated in the temple lobby for harinam to the Palace of Gold to retrieve Srila Prabhupada’s bongo drum, a common ritual for the 24 hour kirtans. Amala Harinam was our first kirtaniya followed by Rupanuga das from New Vrindaban and many others.

The festival continued with a Kartik mood and sweet Damodara prayers sung both in the morning and the evening. Our special guests Agnideva, Karnamrita Dasi, Ajamil, Amala Harinam, and Amala Kirtan kept the temple room roaring with the Holy Name.

Both Saturday and Sunday lunches were cooked by Radha devi dasi and her sisters. T-shirts with Srila Prabhupada’s plea to Krsna, “Make Me Dance” inscribed on the front, were being sold in the temple lobby along with Mother Jaya Sri’s famous organic, homemade donuts.

We would like to thank all the New Vrindaban community members who attended and volunteered their time for the pleasure of Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Vrindabana Chandra. We would also like to especially thank all the kirtaniyas who came to share the Holy name. The 24-hour kirtan event in New Vrindaban continues to be a truly memorable event.
Srila Prabhupada: “I am always praying to Krsna that the New Vrndavana attempt will be more and more successful and ideal for your country. That is my only prayer.” – Letter November 10th, 1975 from Bombay.
Srila Prabupada’s Arrival Festival in Butler, PA

“Hari Bol!” during Butler Festival, October 24th, 2015
Butler, PA, the place Srila Prabhupada started his preaching in the West, is a special thirtha for all ISKCON members. To honor the 50th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s Arrival in America, ISKCON New Vrindaban organized a festival in Butler which took place on Saturday, October 24th , 2015. Devotees came from all over America for the event, including devotees from Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Columbus, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Toronto, New Vrindaban, and New York. As the 50th anniversary for Srila Prabhupada’s Arrival Festival began, devotees merrily greeted one another and assembled outside for Harinam. From the 3rd story of the often-mentioned YMCA to the Argarwal condos where Srila Prabhupada stayed for a month, the Harinam Sankirtan party paraded the streets while steaming up the falling rain. Bhakti Marg Maharaj and Nityodita Prabhu took the lead and others followed with dancing feet.
The party then commemorated in the ballroom hall for the special speaking presentations. Vrindavan Das, the New Vrindaban Director of Communications and event organizer, introduced the guest speakers who took turns appreciating Srila Prabhupada and telling personal anecdotes and their exchanges with His Divine Grace. Speakers included Mother Krsna Nandini, Sikhi Mahiti Prabhu, Mother Jaya Sri, Mother Visvadika, Akhilananda Prabhu, Jaya Krsna Prabhu, Subavilas das, Archalata devi dasi and Nityodita Prabhu.

Harinam Kirtan before the feast.
The event concluded with a 20-minute dancing Harinama party inside the ballroom where all attendees gathered to chant the Holy Name, laugh and dance, with the encouragement of Bhakti Marg Maharaj who is known to bring the life out of people through his unique and unifying dances.
After catching sweet breaths of ecstatic kirtan air, the crowd simmered to a cool, offered humble pranams to their spiritual masters, and assembled in line for a grand feast cooked by Radha devi dasi and her sisters.

Srila Prabhupada disciples pray before honoring prasadam.
We would like to thank the special guests who brought their sweet stories, the YMCA hosts, Ballroom hosts, Jaya Krsna Prabhu, representative of the New Vrindaban temple which sponsored the event as well as Vrindavan Das, the festival organizer. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Upcoming Events!

November 26th, 2015 : Thanksgiving Lunch for community members
November 27th-28th, 2015 : Thanksgiving Festival
December 5th-6th, 2015 : ISKCON New Vrindaban and Eco-V Open Joint Board Meetings (Schedule Below)
The board members of ISKCON New Vrindaban and ECO-Vrindaban humbly invite all New Vrindaban residents and well-wishers to participate in the upcoming weekend activities.
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm: Lunch Prasadam (at Radha Vrindaban Chandra’s Temple)
2:30 pm to 5:00 pm: Community Dialog (under the Lodge)
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm: Srila Prabhupada Sangam & Dinner Prasadam (at his Palace)
Sunday, December 6th.
10:00 am to 1:00 pm: New Vrindaban Community Tour (various locations, weather permitting)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm: Sunday Program & Feast (at Radha Vrindaban Chandra’s Temple)
3:30 pm to 5:00 pm: Lifetime Community Service Appreciations (under the Lodge)
Questions or comments please call 1-304-843-1600 ext.111 or 106