ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 03/17/2019

ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 03/17/2019
Mission Statement: ECO-Vrindaban promotes cow protection, local agriculture, and above all, loving Krishna, as envisioned by Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON New Vrindaban’s Founder-Acharya.
Participating Directors: Chaitanya Mangala, Jamuna Jivani (board secretary), Makara (chair), and Ranaka.
Participating Advisors: Jaya Krsna and Kripamaya.
1. Clarification of Advisory Roles
Kripamaya and Chaitanya Mangala agreed to help develop clearer, more specific descriptions for the board advisory roles.
2. 219 Coffield Lane Land Development
WHEREAS: The ECO-V Board wishes to make more land available for sale in New Vrindaban.
RESOLVED: The Board authorizes up to $44.6K for the boundary work, topography, existing conditions, subdivision plat work and pinning the lots, engineering, site design, storm water controls, erosion and sediment plans, water line design, and coordination with the county health department and county commission for the Bahulaban property development at 219 Coffield Lane.
3. ECO-V President Search
Madhava Smullen wrote an article for ISKCON News about how the search for ECO-V’s new president started Gaura Purnima 2019.
Here’s a link to the ECO-Vrindaban website.
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