ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 04/04/2019

ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 04/04/2019
Mission Statement: ECO-Vrindaban promotes cow protection, local agriculture, and above all, loving Krishna, as envisioned by Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON New Vrindaban’s Founder-Acharya.
Participating Directors: Chaitanya Mangala, Makara (chair), Olivia, Anuttama, Ranaka, and Vraja.
- Ranaka’s Monthly Report
- Lalita Gopi (Temple Barn)
- There are currently six cows who are giving 18 gal of milk daily: Jaya Radha, Usha, Surabhi, Subhadra, Lakshmi, and Anjali. (Jamuna is dry and preparing for retirement).
- Parijata and Cintamani are due to calf in April.
- There are three calves residing in the barn (Gaurangi, Jai Sri, and Puspavati).
- There are also nine adult cows living in the barn
- Anandavidya is making 30 lb of butter and 20 gal of yogurt weekly
- He has also been emptying the temple compost bins into the manure pile with the tractor.
- The Temple Barn is currently being painted
- Temple devotees have begun holding go-puja outside the barn, near the calf pen
- Ray (Farm Hand)
- Moved hay to Temple Barn and Nandagram as needed.
- Barn and equipment maintenance.
- Removed leftover paver bricks and brush next to brick yard to clear area for proposed high tunnel site.
- Continuing to pick up fencing material to help Caitanya Bhagavat with Nandagram fencing, as well as work on Valley Barn fencing with help from Ryan.
- Cleaned up winter manure pile at Temple Barn and spread it on the Community Garden.
- Disked Community Garden and Creek Bottom by Valley Barn
- Picked up potato seed from co-op and cut to seeding size, and prepared potato planter for planting.
- Finished upgrade on seed starting/transplant prep greenhouse.
- Caitanya Bhagavat (Nandagram)
- Major spring fencing for whole of Nandagram and now working on Bahulaban pastures
- Assisted veterinarian with pregnancy checks
- General cow care and geriatric care for Tulasi
- Suchandra (Community & Teaching Gardens)
- Groundcover laid at Vidya’s
- Vidya started marigold seeds, cherry tomatoes, and some other plants
- Vidya has a new helper, Angie, who recently moved to the community
- Hand-tilled five beds at teaching garden. The rest will be done with the tiller.
- Brought the remainder of the bulb plants for the year (hyacinth and amarilla) to temple
- Made tomato cages and started planning where they will be placed in the Teaching Garden.
- Made a list of supplies that need replacing and organized hoses for set up.
- Started planning for planting at the Community and Teaching Gardens
- Suchandra, Vidya, Ranaka, and Ray met with Kacey to go over high tunnel order and placement.
- Ranaka (General Manager)
- Working with Yoder’s on the high tunnel proposal
- Two pregnant brown Swiss milk cows (Parijata and Cintamani) were purchased by the INV fundraising department
- Total herd count stands at 63.
2. Internal Funding Request: $40K for High Tunnels
WHEREAS: ECO-V wishes to extend the growing season for its gardening efforts.
RESOLVED: The ECO-V board authorizes up to $40K for the purchase and installation of two high tunnels.
3. Internal Funding Request: $7K for ATV
WHEREAS: ECO-V wishes to maintain adequate vehicles for its farm related activities.
RESOLVED: The ECO-V board authorizes up to $7K for the purchase of a Honda Rancher ATV.
Here’s a link to the ECO-Vrindaban website.
For regular updates, please visit, like and follow the ECO-V Facebook page.