Author Archives for mg


By Hladini Devi Dasi I need You in flannel— ‘cause if You were in jewels There wouldn’t be us—   Were You the prince You should be— I couldn’t be here-   Were You as famous as You should be Everyone would see You… and want You.   And there would be no more us […]

July 1, 1969 Letter

CENTER: 1975 So. La Cienega Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90034 DATE……July…1…………1969 My Dear Hayagriva, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated June 27,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully. So far as the Sanskrit transliterations are concerned, I have done it, and am returning it herewith. Please do […]

Thinning Trees

by Madhava Gosh I will be starting thinning some trees around the temple and the area between the temple and the Palace in the next few weeks. As you can see in the picture below, taken in 1984, when they were planted they were quite small so they were planted closer than mature spacing so […]

It Is Very Surprizing March 17, 1968

If you take Srila Prabhupada’s naming of New Vrindaban as the official authorized start, then today is the 40th anniversary of NV. While the second page of the letter wherein SP named NV was missing from the archives, its existence was well known in NV. It has been cited in at least 3 Brijabasi Spirit […]

17 March, 1968 Letter: Missing Second Page Found

From the VedaBase: San Francisco 17 March, 1968 68-03-17 My Dear Hayagriva, Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your letter dated March 9, 1968. I have come back to San Francisco on the 8th March, and while I was in Los Angeles for two months, I received the balance portion of […]

Commenting On the Bahulaban Restoration Proposal

by Madhava Gosh There were some legitimate points raised in comments on the post Bahulaban Restoration Meeting #1-The Minutes). ” I do think it’s a shame to let the buildings at Bahulaban just rot, and something definitely needs to be done about it, but first things first. When there’s so much basic maintenance needed on […]

Srila Prabhupada Writes About Bahulaban Property Purchase In New Vrindaban April 15th, 1969

(The following letter is published courtesy of Samba, eldest son of Hayagriva. He has discovered this and about 70 other previously unpublished letters from Srila Prabhupada in his father’s effects. They are written mostly to Hayagriva himself and his wife Shyam, as well as to Kirtanananda and others) Tridandi Goswami A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Founder-Acharya: International […]

Bahulaban Restoration Meeting

To All Devotees Interested in Bahulaban: With the approval of the New Vrndavana Board of Trustees, a group of devotee investors, headed by Adi Guru das, NV resident, have formed a non-profit religious corporation, whose purpose is the restoration of the Bahulaban property. The Bahulaban farm was purchased in 1972 and was the home of […]

Satendriya At a Craft Show

Mother Satendriya dd braved the weather Saturday to set up at a craft show at John Marshall High School. This was her first show. She is an excellent painter and we wish her the best of luck in her new endeavor. Crafting falls into the category of “right livelihood”.

Hladini Poem

UNTITLED By Hladini Devi Dasi Madhuvana ‘74   O yes!…You know!!! You know better than I!! ! But still I feel I must …make You see!   I know…   You care!!! You care more than anyone could ever care!!!   But still I feel I cannot …repay Your love!!!   I can taste Your […]


Inevitable loser in the Battle With The False Ego, with the scars to prove.