Author Archives for mg
Kirtanananda Swami Leaves US, Moves To India Permanently
By Hrishikesh dasa (Henry Doktorski) Friday, March 7, 2008, New York City: Today Kirtanananda Swami left the United States for good and emigrated to India. He said he doesn’t expect to return again. “There is no sense in staying where I’m not wanted,” he explained, obviously referring to the desertions through the years by most […]
Winter Clings To New Vrindaban
With temperatures averaging 10 degrees below normal and lots of snow, winter remains attached to New Vrindaban. Last night was a windless snow and every surface including branches is covered. “Prabhupada: This is innate truth: as three angles of a triangle are equal to 180 degrees, similarly snow is white. Snow is white, water is […]
Vendor Opportunities For FOI
by Malati dd There is limited opportunity for vendors of quality items at Festival of Inspiration, May 9th, 10th, 11th in New Vrindaban. We especially are looking for Prasadam Vendors (If you have something good, healthy, and quick to go, I guarantee that you will not be disappointed.) Please contact: for further information. One […]
The Path of Yogamaya
by mrupa Dropping down from the main road just in front of the old one-room school house next to the lagoon and across from the old forge, the first few yards of dirt road is both the beginning of the driveway to Mr. Snyder’s homestead along the top of the ridge, and the pathway to […]
Fire At RVC Temple
An unattended incense stick ignited a padded chair in a room on the second floor of the temple. This set off a sprinkler head which extinguished the fire. The chair is ruined and there is a burnt place on the floor, but the key thing is that the temple itself was saved. Sri Krsna das […]
Response To “Things Were Looking Good in 1983”
Written by Hrishikesh (Henry Doktorski) Many thanks to MG for posting the photograph of Radhanath Swami with United States Congressman from West Virginia Alan Mollohan and other guests and dignitaries. If I am not mistaken, that is West Virginia House of Delegates member Thais Blatnik behind him. Exact date of photo was May 31, 1985. […]
(from the second chapter of Krishna book, words and music by Devananda Pandit das) When Krishna carried out His desire, Devaki glowed like raging fire. He entered in her sacred womb, Though she was shackled in a prison room. Now Kamsa knew his end was near, But spared his sister cos of fear. ” a […]
Festival of Inspiration Update
by Sri Web site is “just now coming” with a slightly different address ( but here is a glimpse of what you can expect to happen during North America’s most popular Krishna family get-together during the Appalachian Spring in New Vrindaban, 2008 and you can be sure that more is on the way! Dates: […]
Things Were Looking Good in 1983
The current RVC temple was opened in 1983 with a lavish installation ceremony that was well attended and publicized. At that point, it still seemed that New Vrindaban would become the successful place of pilgrimage in the West that Srila Prabhupada had envisioned. This is a picture from the installation festivities showing Radhanath Swami giving […]