Author Archives for mg

Lord Nityananda’s Appearance Day Celebration Info

by Mandali dasi Dear devotees! Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!   Once again we are graced with the opportunity to engage in the glorification of our dear most Lord Sri Nityananda Prabhu, the bestower of the Holy Name!  This year His Appearance Day Celebration is on Monday February 18th. As part […]


By Hladini Devi Dasi O-Dirt—You’ve been plaguing my life since time immemorial! O-Dirt—I know you’ve become attached-But PLEASE GET OUT OF MY LIFE!!! I’ve consulted the most ardent authorities as to how to rid myself of you- But I turn my back, and you are once again embracing my torn and ragged self. WHAT MUST […]


by mrupa In the earlier days, Mud was a personality in its own right in the universal form of the dhama. Mud was almost all pervasive; it didn’t only live behind the cow barn, but one step out of any doorway. A throughway of it ran down the middle of Bahulavan and poured down two […]

Ladies Get-Together

Saturday, February 2nd, the ladies of New Vrindaban gathered together at Mother Gopa’s house for kirtan, prasadam, catching up with each’s other news, and a little game. Based on an idea from a book called, “Eat, Pray, and Love”, we played a word game to communicate our thoughts, hopes and dreams. I wrote up a […]

RVC Temple Improvements

Dear Friends of Lord Krishna, Many of you who have visited the temple room of Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Candra have seen several changes taking place. I will not go into a lengthy description of details but rather try to give you the general idea we have in mind. The conception is to give our […]

Cooking Contest in New Vrindaban

New Vrindaban’s First Annual Lord Jagannatha Food Fest and Cooking Competition February 1st Friday 7: 45 PM!!!! ALL WELCOME Judged by a panel of experienced Prasadam Lovers, winner will take home: First Prize of $100 and title of NV’s Best Cook of 2008 To qualify for participation you must : Be a resident of greater […]

Pluralism Project Features New Vrindaban

Student papers at the Global Leadership Center at Ohio University profile the conversion experience of some of the residents of New Vrindavan Community. The students broke into groups and interviewed devotees on the phone a couple of times, spent a month doing research into the community, and then actually came to visit for a weekend […]


words and music by Devananda Pandit das adapted from the 2ND chapter of Krishna book When Krishna carried out His desires Devaki glowed like raging fire. He entered in her sacred womb, Though she was shackled in a prison room. Now Kamsa knew his end was near, But spared his sister cos of fear; ” […]

Update on Gopi Lila dd

From Haribhakta’s blog: Gopilila got out of the hospital yesterday. She was glad to get back home and so were the kids and I. It snowed last night and she was out there playing in the snow and making a big snow ball. Today she played in the snow with Gopala and Vrinda. We are […]

Love Me, Love My Cows

Listen to this lecture given Jan 19 , 2008 in Chowpatty by former (and eternal) New Vrindaban cowherd boy, Radhanath Swami. A long lecture but well worth the time as it is germane to the future of New Vrindaban in particular, and to the world in general in its present state. Click to hear “Love […]


Inevitable loser in the Battle With The False Ego, with the scars to prove.