Author Archives for mg
Deity Stories: A New Temple For Radha Vrindaban Candra (Part Two)
by Hrishikesh Installation of the Deities. The Brijabasi Spirit reported: (93) “Radha-Vrindaban Chandra, Gaura-Nitai, and Gopala Nathji were placed on Their altars, which had been drilled with nine small holes. In the holes were placed nine precious jewels of the nine major planets. They were then filled with turmeric. A yantra—a small piece of gold […]
Deity Stories: A New Temple For Radha Vrindaban Candra (Part One)
by Hrishikesh On July 4, 1983 , a “temporary” temple for Shri Shri Radha-Vrindaban Chandra was dedicated which dwarfed many United States ISKCON temples in beauty, size and craftsmanship. The building was constructed in less than ten months; the temple room, which covered 5,000 square feet of floor space, was constructed in less than three […]
Festivals and Events for December 2007
4 Dec 2007 Tuesday Fasting for Utpanna Ekadasi December 15-17, ISKCON ACADEMY OF ARTS & SCIENCES CONFERENCE ISKCON Scholarship and the World: Academic and Cultural Contributions 20 Dec 2007 Thursday Fasting for Moksada Ekadasi Advent of Srimad Bhagavad-gita GITA JAYANTI (Reading from Bhagavad Gita As it IS) RVC Temple @ 4:30 PM 27 Dec 2007 […]
Tribute for Taru
by Dulal Candra das (written for a memorial held by his family) audio is available at: Dear Friends, I say friends not because we have ever met, but because of the close friendship I had with your intimate relative and friend, a kind soul I knew as “Taru”: devotee, writer, public speaker, humorist, ascetic […]
Deity Stories: Kirtanananda Swami Returns To New Vrindaban
In May 1972, Kirtanananda Swami received a message to meet Prabhupada in Los Angeles, wherein Prabhupada ordered him to return to New Vrindaban and take over the management. Prabhupada had heard disturbing reports that the farm was not faring well and there was some talk of closing it down. Up to that time, the community […]
“Lesson” by Devananda Pandit das
(Third song from the first chapter of Krishna book) Words and Music by Devananda Pandit das Vasudeva stood up and he began to speak so clear, Saying:” Kamsa don’t you realize that death is always near. The moment that you took your birth you began to die, If you are now but twenty years then […]
New Vrindaban Thanksgiving Festival Weekend
by Janaka Mahajana das Thursday 22nd “Hanuman” cartoon show in the temple 4:00 PM Thanksgiving sermon 6:00 PM Evening Arotik 7:00 PM Auspicious fire sacrifice “YAJNA” 7:30 PM Sri Sri Radha Vrindabna Candra’s Darshan- 8:30 PM ” PRASADAM AVALIBLE IN THE SNACK BAR From 12 PM till 9:30 PM Friday 23rd “Black Friday” Chant Hare […]
Premanand’s Birthday
Dear Devotees, Please accept our respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. We request your gracious presence on our son Premanand’s Birthday. Please come and bless little Premanand. H.H Varsana Swami will be blessing us with his presence. Date: Friday 23rd November Time: 5:00 pm Venue: Guest Kitchen( left of the temple hall) Your servants, […]
Deity Stories “Shri Shri Radha-Vrindaban Chandra Arrive”
by Hrishikesh Exquisitely beautiful deities hand-carved from white marble were imported from India, installed at New Vrindaban on Janmastami, August 13, 1971, and named Shri Shri Radha-Vrindaban Chandra: the most beautiful Radharani and Krishna (the moon of Vrindaban). Kuladri Das explained, “Shrila Prabhupada personally picked out Radha-Vrindaban Chandra for New Vrindaban. They were carved by […]
Cow Katha
by mrupa I’ve been following Laksmi’s progress and was encouraged a few days ago when it looked like she might recover. That she had such a rally is a miracle in itself. I am sure it is due to the care she is receiving. I was also struck by your comment about seeing ‘that’ in […]