Author Archives for mg

Deity Stories “Little Radha-Krishna Deities Acquired”

by Hrishikesh In September 1968, New Vrindaban acquired a small pair of bell-metal Radha Krishna deities from a devotee who recently returned from India. Prabhupada gave instructions for their worship, “I am very glad to learn that Harivilas has given you a pair of Radha Krishna Murtis, so it appears that Radha Krishna is very […]

Deity Stories

Dearest Brijabasis, I am greatly enlivened by Mother Rupa’s excellent reminisces about the deities of New Vrindaban, and I wish to make a humble contribution of some small bits of information from my research to supplement her inspiring account. Sincerely Your Servant, Hrishikesh (Henry Doktorski) Oakdale, PA ————– Kirtanananda sees his spiritual master again After […]

Scheduled Power Outage Saturday

AEP has announced that electrical power will be turned off Sat November 10th from approximately 9 am to 10 am and again at 3 pm to 4 pm. The outage will affect the Limestone area which includes New Vrindaban.

Deity Lore Part 3

by mrupa I’m afraid I do not remember too much about the coming of Saligram Sila to New Vrindavana. I do recall when Srila Prabhupad was deciding to begin the introduction of worshiping Saligram Sila in ISKCON, He first entrusted this highly delicate and demanding service to two long proven and highly devoted pujaris: Jananivas […]

Get Your Questions Answered

Hare Krishna Devotees are approaching various individuals at the temple with questions. As an advisor to New Vrindavan for the last 2 years, I may be able to offer information that you find helpful. Below is a reserved schedule for your use and consideration. Your servant, Kuladri das Every Wednesday 1:30 – 4:30 PM […]

November Festivals In New Vrindaban

Saturday 10th of November is Govardhana Puja! We’ll be celebrating Dipavali (Festival of Lights) and Govardhana Puja with a series of seminars, kirtans, and feasts all day long. Stay tuned for a detailed schedule and mark your calendar for the celebration of New Vrindaban’s favorite community festival, Govardhana Puja, on Saturday afternoon! On Saturday November […]

Sunday School

Haribol everyone, Last week Sunday school started and this Sunday for all those who come bring an empty shoe box for our Govardhana Puja project. Hope to see y’all there! Your servant, Rama Lila dd

New Vrindaban Deity Lore Part 2

by mrupa I’m not sure of the time sequence exactly. It must have been very early ‘70’s though and Big Lord Jagannatha was staying in one of the old (not the present log cabins) shacks along the little road out from the Vrindaban temple building. These were small one room uninsulated wooden board buildings, some […]

Damodar Song — Another English Version

Most of our readers see Brijabasi via feed readers and don’t see the comments. Jaya Murari posted the following as a comment and I think it deserves a wider viewing: Hare Krsna, this is an English version of that same Damodara Song that was used in the RCV Temple during the “Interfaith Days” at New […]


(Krishna book second song from the first chapter) Once upon a time there lived a righteous king, Who ruled over Mathura and whose name was Surasena. Now Surasena he had a son whose name was Vasudeva, He married a young maiden, Devaki was her name. Elephants, horses, chariots and beautiful girls Followed the young bride […]


Inevitable loser in the Battle With The False Ego, with the scars to prove.