Author Archives for mg
Some New Vrindaban Nostalgia
Check out these links for a peak into the past: Short New Vrndavana story – a pipe, some robes and typical weirdness Within Vrndavan’s Woods and Groves excerpt: Within Vrndavan’s woods and groves Lord Krishna and Radha unite To taste the joy of spiritual love All glories to this holy sight Lord Krishna’s beauty thrills […]
Worth Our Weight in Bhagavada Gitas
By Srila Jiva Goswami dasa Back when I had a hard wood floored classy room up on the third tier of the Prasadama Hall / Office / Ashram Building, Varshana Maharaja was one of a few Devotees I’d have to call “Best Friend.†All the Devotees seemed wonderful, even the ones whose interaction generated a […]
Road Closure Over?
As of Thursday evening, the large machine that was blocking the road for repairing the slip was removed, and it seems like all the pilings are installed. While there may be other delays as they finish off the details, it might be easier to slip by than when the large tracked machine was there. This, […]
Surgery Update
Dear Devotees, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I just received the news from the University of Chicago Medical Center that liver transplant surgery of Shymasundar prabhu (ACBSP) and Gopinath prabhu has concluded successfully. The surgery lasted approx. 11 hours. Both are presently in the ICU and will be under observation […]
Krsna Bol, Or Bowl
by mrupa Prabhupada writes in Krsna Book (and in umpteen other places) “The pastimes and activities of the Lord are not material; they are beyond the material conception. But the conditioned soul can benefit by hearing such uncommon activities. Hearing is an opportunity to associate with the Lord; to hear His activities is to evolve […]
Road Between Temple And Route 250 Closure
Monday September 24th the ridge road between the temple and Route 250 will be closed between the school bus runs, approximately 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM. It will be closed between Sudhanu’s and Tejo’s houses in order to stabilize and fix the slip that occurred there in January 2005 and has had the road reduced […]
Varsana, Kuladri, and Radhanath
photos courtesy of Jivagoswami. Pretty much from the 1980s, I guess. I don’t know if Varshana or Radhanath were or were not swamis at the time of these photos, but probably they were. This is back in the day when the work ethic was valued and devotees were more task oriented than position oriented.
Vaishnavi Retreat Schedule
Friday, Oct. 5 11:00 – 11:30………..Opener 11:15 – 11:30………..Break 11:45 – 1:15……………Session 1 – Gopi Mata…………”Peaceful Body, Peaceful Mind ” (Yoga) …..Session 2 – Rasa Manjari……..Bhagavad-gita Teachings 1:30………………Lunch 3:00 -4:30……Session 1 – Nidra…………….”Alternative Book Distribution” …..Session 2 – Divyambar………”Pronounce It Right!” Pt. 1 4:30 – 4:45…… Break 4:45 – 6:15……..Session 1 – Radha dasi………….”Anchors in […]
Radharani Newsletter
by Sacimata Dear Devotees of New Vrindaban, PAMHO. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! Happy Radhastami! Recently there have been a few changes with the Radharani Club and the sewing department. Since, Mother Kunjabiharini left, the Radharani Club purchased the new Radhastami outfit from the taylors in Vrindaban. We are eagerly awaiting their arrival, and praying […]