Author Archives for mg

New Vrindaban Kirtan Policy

Kirtans at New Vrindavan have been found to regularly exceed maximum allowed sound levels. Due to concerns for the auditory health of everyone in the temple, and in order to comply with GBC policy, the following changes will go in to effect immediately: 1. Kirtan will be un-amplified (no microphone) except for large festivals (greater […]

Vaisnavi Retreat: For Women By Women

October 5th, 6th, and 7th In New Vrindaban Dhama Rejuvenate yourself amidst scenic fall foliage in New Vrindaban for a weekend with distinguished Vaishnavi’s featuring: Discourses, Seminars, Workshops, Interactive Presentations Courses in Shastra, Yoga, Massage, Health, Healing Healthy Prasad prepared with love Campfire Bhajans & Satsang Intimate morning with Srila Prabhupada in His Palace. Hosted […]

Crossword Puzzle In English and Sanskrit

From one of the inmates Muktakesh used to correspond with. Click thumbnail below for printable size. Click thumbnail below for answers.

Recollections of Janmastami in New Vrindaban 1972

RECOLLECTIONS OF JANMASTAMI/VYAS PUJA ‘72 nu mrupa Srila Prabhupada was only personally with us for 10 celebrations of Krishna’s appearance day followed immediately by His own appearance, Krishna and Guru together. How incredibly appropriate a way to solidify in disciples’ heads the two tracks of the Bhakti train that must be in place for pure […]

Gopi Lila Updates

Here’s the link to Hari Bhakta’s blog. He’s putting updates on Gopi Lila’s health there.

Remembering Madhuvana Part 2

Another time, Sankirtana, newly arrived to New Vrindavana, was very thoroughly and devotedly washing the Deity plates after the noon offering and dumping the water down what he thought was a regular sink drain….and washing his own feet in astonishment. You could frequently hear his distinctive voice calling from the kitchen for Ruci to bring […]

Remembering Madhuvana

by mrupa Madhuvana-smokey, cold, crazy, and dirty. Madhuvana-one of the 12 forests of Vrndavana where Dhruva performed austerities and met both Narada and Lord Visnu face to face. Madhuvana-an extension of the Lord Caitanya half of Golaka Vrndavana where Lord Caitanya and His associates reside eternally. Where ISKCON along with Srila Prabhupada are and where […]

There To Learn (Part 2)

By Srila Jiva Goswami dasa (continued from Part 1) To me, I was the cutting and slashing very greatest of the greatest when it came to driving. I just loved it. Towing another Sankirtan Van back from the Buffalo area late one evening, I’d been obliged to carry a few Devotees with me. Maru Deva, […]

There to Learn (Part 1)

By Srila Jiva Goswami dasa From child hood, I harbored a longing to operate construction machinery. The Heavy Equipment Department at Old New Vrindabana really whet my whistle. The passing of Pippaladha up on the huge Road Grader, or Varshana Maharaja for example, carefully moving along the road with a medium size house suspended intact […]

Bhakti ~ Bhukti (Vrindaban & Krishna Prasadam)

From Mahanandi Cooking with Consciousness ~ Recipes from India and the World (click here to see pictures of New Vrindaban) “One of the places we visit whenever life overwhelms us here in US is the New Vrindaban Holy Dham. Located in beautiful and peaceful Appalachian mountain range in the rural West Virginia panhandle, in almost […]


Inevitable loser in the Battle With The False Ego, with the scars to prove.