Author Archives for mg
Water Emergency
Dear Devotees, As we are experiencing difficulties with our water production due to the drought, we again request everyone to be very conscious about water usage. If you live in the RVC temple, temple compound or apartment buildings, it will be wise to boil your water before drinking. We also request that you take shorter […]
Editor and/or Reporter For Brijabasi Spirit Needed
by Madhava Gosh New Vrindaban needs a reporter to share with the world what is going on. Right now, the Brijabasi Spirit is barely scratching the surface. I have been trying to encourage devotees to write for the Brijabasi Spirit for almost a year now, and have had limited success. I clearly lack the motivational […]
See the Brijabasi Spirit and all the New Vrindaban bloggers in one place at a new feed reader called New Vrindaban Bloggers.
Ghee Wick Making Transformed
Here is Mother Jayasri prabhu making ghee wicks for all the pujas using a machine designed and prototyped by Rupanuga prabhu. It is a spindle rotating at a high RPM. She shreds cotton off a roll and applies it. The spindle “grabs” the cotton and winds it tightly. She adds more at the bottom than […]
Death of a Younger Father
By Srila Jiva Goswami dasa Mukta Kasa Prabhu had a funny way of chanting Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. I used to tease him by getting up in his grill and intoning, “Hey ditty ditty,†as if that was what he was actually saying. […]
Mahabharata Seminar
Everyone is invited to a five day seminar on the Mahabharata by Sankirtana das this Monday thur Friday (June 18-22). The sessions will be in the temple room right after the evening arati at 7:30 and run for about 45 minutes. Sankirtana will be reading excerpts from the first five chapters of his work-in-progress. Along […]
Doing Wants
By Srila Jiva Goswami dasa Once, at Old New Vrindabana, just after the morning program, I came across Puskar who was known to me as a fabulous artist. He was sitting in the lotus position on the back of a flat bed trailer down at Bahulabhana. He was chanting quietly and his eyes were closed. […]
Voice of the Garden
by Will Lewis In the past few weeks we have planted basil, tomatoes, cucumbers, tomatillas, peppers, summer squash, winter squash, okra, green beans, lettuce, chard, and beets up at the garden of seven gates. Also, the asparagus we planted is growing well and we have been filling in the ditch with compost. Down at the […]
New Vrindaban GBC Meetings Views
Read about the New Vrindaban GBC Meetings at these sites: Gauranga Kishore Das (June 3-8th) FOLK News SB classes from the GBC meeting in NV GBC Gathering in New Vrndavana (Praghosa) BKG Blog Kavicandra Swami