Author Archives for mg
Parampara Back In New Vrindaban
Parampara has returned home, after being hospitalized for almost a week. He had suffered a mild stroke, tha left him a little numb on the left side. He speaks clearly and his face and arm are okay now, but he is still slightly numb in the left leg. He is prescribed bed rest and no […]
The Absolute Truth About Racism in Krsna Consciousness
By Srila Jiva Goswami dasa This article presents practical experiences of a member of the racial minority community in Krsna Consciousness. Instead of revealing shocking narrations of racism and discrimination, you may see instead here documentation of the opposite. There is no actual racism in Krsna Consciousness because of the fundamental truth: We are not […]
Surabhi Has a Heifer Calf
Surabhi, a Guernsey, had a heifer calf Friday June 8th. Mother and daughter are fine and together in the temple barn. Ravindra Swarupa, Malati, and Chaitanya Bhagvat Prabhus have darshan of the new calf.
June 5th, 1973 (PART 3)
The leader ordered one of the devotees to come up and do the same to Srimati Radharani. Kiranasa, newly initiated, refused to obey. Gang members began beating him terribly with both their rifle barrels and their fists. One of them began dragging him by his sikha jerking his head around and jokingly asking one of […]
Listen to Classes During GBC Meetings in New Vrindaban
Listen to the daily Srimad Bhagvatam classes given in New Vrindaban during the GBC meetings here.
June 5th, 1973 (PART 2)
Immediately, we took Radha Vrindavanatha and Lord Jagannatha off the altar, and hid Sri Kartamaji. At first we went up the hill in front of the temple to Hayagriva’s A frame cabin. Hayagriva was away traveling at that time. Parayana had slipped out, made her way back up top, and found us in the cabin. […]
June 5th, 1973 (PART 1)
by motherrupa It all really began on June 2. From June 2 to June 4, New Vrindavan was having the biggest festival series since fall of the year before, when Srila Prabhupada had come for Janmastami and his Vyasa Puja celebrations. During that festival Sri Sri Radha Vrindavan Chandra had moved down from Their original […]
Learn Acting: No Experience Necessary
Bhakta Marg Swami, famous for turning desire into talent, is on campus and will be running drama practices every evening at 7 PM in the main prasadam room in the temple. While experience is a plus, BMS has made taking shy and inexperienced devotees and turning them into competent actors a well polished routine. As […]
Chunnchala Lights and a Dispatched Swan
By Jiva Goswami dasa After the first time I’d read the Bhagavada Gita As It Is, there was nothing logical to do but to surrender at the Temple. It was Vahna Prabhu who had introduced me to Krsna Consciousness, and I wanted to take up The Program in Columbus, where Vahna lived at the time. […]
What’s in a Name?
by Damodar das Last week Gopalasyapriya was performing her customary rounds in the Palace gardens. She was approached by one guest, an Indian gentleman who was visiting with his family. The gentleman asked Gopa her name, and then she asked him for his. He replied that his name is Maha Lingam. Other than that, he […]