Author Archives for mg
Volunteers Needed For GBC Meeting
Dear Devotees, Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! As you may know, the International Governing Body of ISKCON will be meeting in New Vrindaban from June 3-7. We are hosting this meeting after twenty-one years and hope to provide the GBCs with a pleasant and memorable stay. In order to do […]
Kunti Wins Art Honor
Kunti Guy, daughter of Ramlila dasi of New Vrindaban, and Hanuman das of Wheeling, was one of two Limestone Elementary students who won awards in the recent Marshall County Elementary Art Show. The art teacher who supervised the Limestone students chose only three works from each classroom to be entered in the county-wide competition. The […]
Bhakta X and the Mudha
By Srila Jiva Goswami dasa I think when there is a choice, the True Path may be known by its simplicity. You might know if you have strayed by how complicated things seem to be getting. It was the start of one of those most beautiful days at Old New Vrindabana. The Morning Program had […]
Feeding Grain to Growing Heifers
To make room at the temple barn for the new jerseys, 4 of the 5 Holstein heifers have moved to the pasture below the state road at Bahulaban. To get maximum growth it is best to supplement pasturage with grain. What to speak of, they like eating grain, as their eagerness with Jayaprabhupada in this […]
Voice of the Garden
by Will Lewis We have been very busy in the garden the last couple of weeks, trying to catch up from the bad weather and all. Mostly what we have been doing is getting the beds ready for planting, planting, weeding, mulching, manuring, tilling, and a little bit of harvesting. In the educational garden we […]
New Vrindaban Forest Scene
“The control of the Lord is everywhere, and if the Lord is pleased, every part of nature will be pleased. The river will flow profusely to fertilize the land; the oceans will supply sufficient quantities of minerals, pearls and jewels; the forest will supply sufficient wood, drugs and vegetables, and the seasonal changes will effectively […]
5 New Arrivals
The barn was definitely the place to be this morning. After the arrival of five new Jersey cows yesterday, the devotees were anxious to see their new neighbors. Bhakta Will, Jaya Sri Prabhuji, and Bhakta Emmanuel were in attendance along with us regulars, Jaya Prabhupada Prabhuji and myself. The new girls were hesitant to take […]
Help Wanted At New Vrindaban Lodge
Jobs available in housekeeping & laundry department of the Lodge. Please contact Parampara das at 304-843-1600 ext 107 or,