Author Archives for mg
More Conference Call Classes
Here is the contact information for more conference call Bhagavad Gits classes. Welcome to Bhagavad Gita Class. Conference call classes have been going on out of New Vrindaban for about 4 years. The practice is being taken up in other places also.
A Brief History of Prabhupada’s Palace
by Damodar das The Palace of Gold opened on Janmastami/Labor Day Weekend in 1979. This was the culmination of six years of collective effort of the residents of New Vrindaban. What had begun as a home for Prabhupada, originally meant as a place he could do his translation work, had evolved into a much more […]
New Vrindaban’s FOI through Other’s Eyes
See what others are saying about the Festival of Inspiration. Vyenkata Bhatta dasa: 10 Things that Rocked My World During the Festival of Inspiration ’07: Malati dd, USA : Festival Of Inspiration ‘07 Report 1 (a different Malati than NV’s) Exploring Your Word of Honor (transcript of the workshop given by Mahatma das) ISKCON: Festival […]
Drona Leaves His Body
by Bhaktin Alysia On Tuesday evening, Drona the Ox, one of the 77 cows in New Vrindaban’s Cow Protection Program, left his body after a traumatic fall and three days of critical condition. This past Sunday morning, while at the big goshalla, counting the cows as part of his morning routine, Jaya Prabhupada Prabhuji noticed […]
Palace of Gold Makeover
Last summer, 75 youth from around the world gathered in New Vrindavan for three days to perform an extreme makeover of Srila Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold. Watch the 10-minute video by clicking on this article.
Gita Class Conference Calls
Not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to attend classes in a temple. For several years, New Vrindaban devotees have been giving classes via conference calls, so anyone anywhere has the opportunity to hear sastra. One of those devotees is Yugala Kishore. He gives a Bhagavad Gita class at 8:30 PM Wednesday, Thursday, and […]
Spring Means Baby Wildlife…Resist Urge To Interfere!
Just because you see wildlife alone, such as a fawn in tall grass or a baby bird on the ground, doesn’t mean they are orphaned or abandoned, according to the National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association. Unless a baby animal is visibly hurt or in a dangerous situation, such as in the road, resist the urge to […]
Water with Tears
By Srila Jiva Goswami dasa At Old New Vrindabana, posing the classic and needful inquiries “Who am I? What is my purpose? Why am I here?†and “Where am I going?†brought fast and accurate answers. I’ll always remember and tell the way I wondered about the goat which clambered all over in the general […]
Schedule of Events for Festival of Inspiration
Friday May 11 10:30-11:30 Opening Yagna w/ Dravida das and Ananda Tirtha das 11:45-1:15 Romapada Swami: Mantra Upasana Radhika dd: Bucolic Braja: As described in Vaishnava Art, Literature and Philosophy Mahatma das: Vows and Commitments: Why we make them, why we break them and how to keep them 1:15-3:00 Lunch Prasad w/ Lunchtime serenade by […]
Ramlila’s Sunday School News
by Ramlila dasi Six young devotees attended the Madhava class today (May 6). Two of them, Chandrika and Baladev, are the children of Sevananda das & Alakta-carana dasi. This family drives 1 1/2 hours each way to participate in the New Vrindaban Sunday program. This gives me motivation to stay committed to our Sunday School. […]