Author Archives for mg

Thank You, Krishna

(written by an alumnus of NV . See the notes for his sermon “Lessons Learned In New Vrindaban”) Thank you, O my sweet Lord, for life in my hands. Thank you for everything I now understand. Thank you for family; thank you for friends. Thank you for everything that comes to an end. Thank you, […]

Fifty Percent of My Work Is Not Complete

Abhirama dasa: “I was personally present on two occasions when Srila Prabhupada spoke about how important establishing varnasrama was to him. Both times were in the summer of 1977, in Prabhupada’s room in Vrndavana, before he left to go to London. At the time, Tamala Krsna Goswami was Srila Prabhupada’s personal secretary, and I his […]

Mukta Kesh Prabhu Has Departed

At 9:36 last night, Mukta took his last breath in the midst of 40-50 devotees at the end of an 8 hour kirtan.

Just Another Planet

A Renunciant’s Vision By Srila Jiva Goswami dasa Hello, again, Dear Reader! Please accept my worthless obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Let’s play “Guess the Vaisnava.” I’ll give you clues, along with a few […]

Mukta Is Off Life Support

by JayaSri dd Muktakesh prabhu is off his life support this afternoon, Good Friday. He is expected to be departing between 4-5 pm this afternoon He is being transferred to a private room in the same hospital, UPMC Montefiore and all devotees are invited to come and offer their prayers and chant together. Ask for […]

Photogenic Chaitanya

Garvin is a photojournalism student who attends one of the college programs the brahmacaris do. He did a class project with Chaitanya as the subject.

Do Not Let Go Lightly

By Srila Jiva Goswami dasa When one lives at the Temple, there is no reason to leave. When one leaves, it is apparently harder to return than it was to live there. One visits, one promises him or herself and others, one may even hang on for some months in a drive and struggle to […]

Prayers for Muktakesh Prabhu

by Hrishikesh (Henry Doktorski) Dearest Brijabasis, I just had the opportunity of visiting Muktakesh at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Montefiore Hospital Intensive Care Unit for about an hour yesterday afternoon. I was not very happy to see him at first, considering his suffering condition. He is unconscious and doesn’t seem to be aware […]

Festival of Inspiration Service Request

By Malati Devi Dasi Festival of Inspiration 2007, to be held May 11-13 in New Vrindaban, has openings for the following services: Male Massage Therapist: We are looking for a male devotee to offer this service for men (no mixed sessions). You may request a donation for your services. Audio Technician: We are looking for […]

Prayers for Mukta Kesa dasa

By Lokavarnotamma dasa My twin brother, Mukta Kesa dasa (pictured here with Candramauli Swami), is gravely ill, and in intensive care in a Pittsburg hospital. He was misdiagnosed for weeks, and then finally collapsed due to a cyst on his spinal column in his neck. He underwent emergency surgery, suffered a collapse in his breathing, […]


Inevitable loser in the Battle With The False Ego, with the scars to prove.