Author Archives for mg

Krsna Is The Farm Acarya

Srila Prabhupada was most enlivened to hear the report of New Govardhana Farm. His Divine Grace in the last month or so has been stressing the importance of these farm projects, and said, “This is the next aspect of Krsna consciousness which I wish to push forward. If I am able to travel again, then […]

A Sampling of Deliberate Misunderstandings

By Srila Jiva Goswami dasa Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare! For Mother Rupa! In the Temple, as a fresh Bhakta in an older body, over-reading under experienced yours truly sometimes did unusual, but well intentioned things. “I should make obeisances to the Mothers!” I […]

Mother Tulasi Gets a Bath

by Bhaktin Alysia A nice break in the weather affords a most auspicious opportunity to bathe the cows. Three months of severe winter has resulted in three months of accumulated dung cake on the thighs of Mother Tulasi. I properly applied full hose pressure and nothing happened. What now? One hour later, arms sore from […]

Garden Talk

by Will It’s coming to be that time of year again, the season for growth and farming. Since the spring is near its time for plants to come out and shine. At the moment the soil is too wet to do any plowing or planting. However plants are being germinated inside the greenhouse. The tomato […]

Remembering New Vrindaban

by Lakshmi Kary First I like to offer my humble obeisances to all the devotees who lovingly offered their devotional service at New Vrindavan. We lived in New Vrindavan for about a year. There were so many incredible things there. Every devotee, no matter who they were could find some nice service to do in […]

Will The Beavers Return to Vrindaban?

Photos courtesy of Balaji. Last summer beavers moved into the pond on the lower road to the Vrindaban farm. Late in the fall, they moved out, but I suspect they will be back in the spring. Beavers were stocked on Wheeling Creek 10-20 years ago and they are spreading. Here is their house: First they […]

Please May I Have Another

By Srila Jiva Goswami dasa My dear Eyes and Ears; Please accept my worthless obeisances at your lotus feet. I was (am) one of those guys who read too much of what I can. It wasn’t until 1998 that I realized why I’d never heard anyone say, “Par-a-dijim.” (Paradigm) Having bumped into “The Bhagavada Gita […]


by Mother Rupa dd For many many months after Srila Prabhupada left the planet it was customary for devotees to drive up to Srila Prabhupada’s mangala arotik and then drive back down to Bahulaban for the morning program with Radha Vrindavan Chandra. During those days I often used broken down vehicles to sleep in over […]

Gaura Paurnima Thanks

Dear Devotees, We would to thank all of you for participating in celebration of the Most Auspicious Appearance day of Gauranga Mahaprabhu. We hope you all enjoyed our short but spiritually charged program. Especially we would like to extend our gratitude and congratulations to the following devotees, who had worked very hard to please all […]

Krsna on the Boardwalk at Agni Dhama

Srila Jiva Goswami dasa Brave little Agni Dhama! That diminutive house was divided into four apartments. There were two downstairs with a shared bath between them, and two upstairs with a similar arrangement. Three families lived there, and I had a single front room with a desk as my only furniture. Dear Reader, I’ve never […]


Inevitable loser in the Battle With The False Ego, with the scars to prove.