Author Archives for mg

New Guardrail On Road to New Vrindaban

The fall of 2004 saw flooding from excessive rainfall. The rain continued into the winter of 2005, and there were over 400 slips on the road system of Marshall County, where New Vrindaban is located. They have been fixing them over the last two years, but not all of them are done yet. One major […]

Srila Prabupada in New Vrindaban Picture on eBay

You can buy a picture of Srila Prabhupada in New Vrindaban on eBay or you can talk to JayaMurari about the thousands of unprocessed pictures that could be brought to light and help him in his project to do so. Besides his own archives, he has access to several private collections and permission to work […]

Non View from a Foxhole

By Srila Jiva Goswami dasa Did you ever meet someone who claimed to have not heard of “Devotees,” or the Krsna Consciousness Movement, or ISKCON? It seems hard to believe, but having been in that very position, I know that it is strangely very possible to not have heard of The Devotees. Here let me […]

Palace Worship

by Janaka Mahajan das Beginning Saturday February 24th 2007 the Palace daily worship of Srila Prabhupada will be carried by HG Tapa Punja Das- Morning Seva HG Tripadvibhuti Das- Noon Seva HG Hari das- Afternoon Seva Janaka Mahajana and Vyasasan Das will be avalible to cover up in case of emergency. We would like to […]

Srila Prabhupada In His Palace.

by Mother Rupa dd Srila Prabhupada is SO much present in His Palace; even very many of our guests notice. Prabhupada’s personal presence has always been very prominent at the Palace, at first during the building and then most especially after His disappearance. We used to be very aware that He had truly moved into […]

New Vrindaban’s Unmanifest Radha Govindaji Temple

The temple describied below was originally to have been built on the top of the hill above the Bahulaban barn. It is still possible to see some signs of the original excavations there, but it was neverr worked on again after 1973. That was when Kirtanananda said we should first build a place for Srila […]

The Elephant and the Silversmith

by Kripamaya das Not too long ago my wife and I went out to California to visit our daughter. On Christmas day, Shalu, the sister of my daughter’s husband, gave me a beautiful red diary. On the cover was an embossed, hand sown elephant with its trunk high in the air. I asked her: “What […]

Peacocks By the Sewing Cabin

Gaura Purnima Schedule

Saturday 3rd of March 2007 Gaura Purnima: Appearance Day of Sri Caitnaya Mahaprabhu (Fasting till Moonrise) (evening part) 3:00 PM ISKCON Cinema Presents World Premier* of New DVD **Following Srila Prabhupada** Part III 5:40 PM Gauranga Mahaprabhu- Golden Avatara Class by Malati Dasi 6:45 PM Greeting of the Panca Tattva (Kirtan) 7:00 PM Maha Kirtan […]

A Truth About Transcendentalism

Wise Guys and Everything Else by Srila Jiva Goswami dasa As a resident of Old New Vrindabana, I used to like to make Devotees laugh. I’d think up one liners and rim shots all the time, and when the opportunity arose, I’d go ahead with the humor. This is a little vignette for your amusement […]


Inevitable loser in the Battle With The False Ego, with the scars to prove.