Author Archives for mg
Snap Shots Of A Journey To The Holy Name
by Sankirtana das (for my son and daughter) New Vrindavan quarantined! No one could come or go. All across the country it was on the radio. I don’t know why, but that didn’t stop us. We must have had more faith then, back in ’76, coming up the lonely twisting roads in Bhokta’s van, driving […]
Love Your Mother This Valentine’s Day
This Valentines Day, show your mother how much you love her. All of our lives, she has been unconditionally caring for us, giving us food, shelter, clothing, and so many other beautiful gifts. She has been unconditionally loving us all this time, and chances are you have just been using her and taking her love […]
A Special Aratik Sunday at the Palace
You are cordially invited to help make Sunday’s mangal-aratik at the Palace a special event. Join us, beginning at 4:30 AM in the main Temple room, as we our offer our most humble respects to His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada with chanting of the Holy Name and even a little dancing. This […]
What’s Love Got to Do with it
By Srila Jiva Goswami dasa Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare! Dear Reader, a few names are not given in order to protect the innocent. In the mid nineties, I had been coming in to the Temple for the Morning Program every day for about […]
Palace Still Attracts
by Damodar During the 1970’s, most of the residents of New Vrindavan were engaged directly or indirectly in the construction of the Palace of Gold. In the years following its opening in 1979, many people continued to be engaged in its operation and maintenance. As the Palace began to draw much good publicity and the […]
The Fire of Devotional Service*
by Hladini dd Vrindavana, Vrindavana all covered with snow. Where did all your surabhi cows go? The green, scenic pastures are covered with ice To live in Vrindavana is not a cheap price. The icy cold winds come demanding the rent For all those sweet summer days you spent. The sunshine, the flowers, the cows […]
Let it Begin #6: A Little Green Behind the Eyeballs
by Bhakta Chris “The earth is providing for all creatures, for all species of life. She is providing everything we need to live a happy and prosperous life even though we are abusing her in so many ways, our own mother the earth. So from the earth we learn how, with no expectation in return, […]
Cold Weather Brrrings Back Memories
by Mother Rupa WOW does this weather bring up memories. I think it was the winter after Mt. St. Helen’s blew up in Washington State that we had the so far all time hardest winter I can recall. It was almost nuclear in intensity involving wind chills of -40 to -70 some nights. I can’t […]
Jaya Prabhupada Stepped On By A Cow
Dear Prabhus, Thanks to everyone a lot for your worry about me. By Krsna’s mercy I’m well. I stretched and torn one of the ligaments fibers in my right leg. I hope in few days to be again underneath the cows for the pleasure of Sri Sri Radha-VrindabanCandra and His devotes. y.s. jaya prabhupada das