Special 3 day workshop “Family Constellations”
coming up on July 17 to 19 is an exciting workshop that you won’t want to miss!!
This same seminar was held at Radhadesha, the ISKCON temple in Belgium, and the devotees really appreciated it, so we think you’ll also like it. If we get a good response from people here in New Vrindaban, Jaya Krsna das can then arrange more of such workshops in the future for the benefit of all.
Date: July 17th – 19th, 2012
Place Under the Lodge
Time 10:30am – 1:30pm 3:30pm – 6:00pm
Facilitated by Krsna Lila devi dasi, New York
CRISTINA CASANOVA, MA.,M.Ed.,SEP,FCF is a graduate of Columbia University, Counseling Psychology Department. She worked as a school counselor and school administrator at the Department of Education in New York City for 33 years. She is also a professor at New York University where she teaches Graduate course in Applied Psychology. She is a certified trauma specialist, as well as a Facilitator of Systemic Family Constellation s. Besides the US, she travels and teaches in Europe and Latin America, and has a private practice.
Suggested donation: $18 for six sessions
Below is a comprehensive summary of the work and of how a session would actually go.
Family Constellations is an experiential process that aims to release and resolve profound tensions within and between people.
In a single session, a Family Constellation attempts to reveal a previously unrecognized systemic dynamic that spans multiple generations in a given family and to resolve the deleterious effects of that dynamic by encouraging the subject to accept the factual reality of the past.
- A group (workshop) is led by a facilitator. In turn, members of the group can explore an urgent personal issue. Generally, several members will be given an opportunity to set up a Constellation in each session.
- After a brief interview, the facilitator suggests who will be represented in the Constellation. These are usually a representative for the seeker, one or more family members, and sometimes abstract concepts such as “depression” or a country.
- The facilitator asks people from the group to stand in the Constellation as representatives. He or she arranges the representatives according to what feels right in the moment. The seeker sits down and observes.
- Several minutes elapse with the representatives standing still and silent in their places. Unlike psychodrama, the representatives do not act, pose, dialogue or role play.
- The facilitator may ask each representative to briefly report how they feel being placed in relation to the others. The facilitator, seeker, and group members may perceive an underlying dynamic in the spacial arrangement and feelings held by the representatives that influence the presenting personal issue. Often, configuring multiple generations in a family reveals that severe traumas continue to unconsciously affect the living long after the original victims or perpetrators have died.
- A healing resolution for the issue generally is achieved after re-positioning the representatives and adding key members of the system who have been forgotten or written out of the family history. When every representative feels right in his or her place and the other representatives agree, the facilitator may suggest one or two sentences to be spoken aloud. If the representatives do not feel at peace with their new position or sentences, they can move again or try a different sentence. This is claimed, in an abstract way, to represent a possible resolution of the issues faced by the seeker. Sometimes the process concludes without a full resolution being achieved.
- When the facilitator feels the healing resolution take hold among the representatives, the seeker is invited to replace his/her representative in the Constellation. This allows the seeker to perceive how it feels to be part of a reconfigured system. When everyone feels comfortable in their place, the Constellation concludes.
New Vrindaban Ratha Yatra Coming Soon!
Go the Blissful Country Mile with Lord Jagannath in New Vrindaban
Saturday July 21st, 2012
11 am (by brown plastic log house on road before reaching the Palace)
New Vrindaban Community Moundsville, WV
Vendors, Mendhi Artists and Face Painters are all welcome (no fee)!
Disciples of Srila Prabhupada Welcomed (call ahead for accommodation)!
Happy souls are invited to increase the bliss by pulling Lord Jagannath’s Rath Cart!
Sweet Sanga!
Fantastic picnic style vegetarian feast!
Heart melting Kirtans!
Balloon Art Clown & Bouncy House for the kids!
Kiddie Pool & Sprinkler for the kids!
Lord Jagannath Rides on the Swan Boat!
Harinam Sankirtan to Ghat & Fireworks!
NYC, NJ, Toronto, Pitts, Cols, Philly, Fla Devotees will be here.
Don’t miss out!
More info on the Snana Yatra
The Snana Yatra/bathing ceremony of Lord Jagannatha will be held this Sat. July 7 at 12 noon in front of the Radha Vrindabanchandra temple. Hare Krsna.
Jagannatha Snana Yatra coming up this weekend, July 7-8, 2012!
The Jagannatha Snana Yatra/ Bathing Ceremony is coming up this weekend. Stay tuned please! Due to an extended power outage at New Vrindaban from this last weekend, information is a bit slow in coming. But we WILL be there, bathing Lord Jagannatha, Lady Subhadra and Lord Balarama this coming weekend of July 7th or 8th. And we WILL post the details. Haribol! JAYA JAGANNATHA!!!!
Palace of Gold Enters Summer Gracefully
June 2012
Pilgrims and guests love touring Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold in the New Vrindaban Community. This summer, things are looking even more attractive. The roses at the beautiful Rose Garden are in full bloom already. The Palace garden crew is working every day to continue to keep the manicured grounds around the Palace very attractive and neat for our guests to enjoy. This is Srila Prabhupada’s house, so we want it to always shine.
The Palace has undergone some improvements already this year. The roof and dome have been patched to prevent further water leakage. Painting on the outside of the Palace is also going on.
The former Palace Gift Shop is moving to a new facility due to damages. This new Gift Shop is almost done and will be located in a separate building next to the Palace towards the front. The Gift Shop is an important information center for our guests.
The front steps of the Palace are in much need of immediate repair. The budget for the upper front stairs is $60,000.00. Please contact Yugal Kisor das at 304-843-1600 ext 105 if you are interested in helping to support this crucial maintenance project for the Palace of Gold.
by Lilasuka dasi
What’s Happening in the Dhama
JUNE 25 2012 under the Lodge
The meeting opened with the introduction of the newest members of the New Vrindaban community, namely Abhinanda das, (the new Temple Commander), Vrindavan das, and Raghunandana das. A few other devotees, who are also fairly new, were introduced, namely Elyssa, Charles, Jacob, Dave, Navadwip, Estefania and Catie.
Board of Directors
To inform everyone who are the Board of Director members, the list is as follows.
Board of INMV (ISKCON New Mathura Vrindaban):
Dayavira das, Varsana Maharaj, Tamohara das, Yamuna dasi, Gopisa das, Yugal Kisor das, Ranaka das, Caitanya Mangala das, Jaya Krsna das, and the newest member is Jaya Krsna#2.
The ECOV Board consists of:
Anuttama das, Caitanya Mangala das, Kripamaya das, Madhava Ghosh das, Ranaka das, and Navin Shyam das (Krsna Priya’s husband).
Over the last 6 months, there have been some new and exciting activities that have taken place, namely, on the spiritual side:
-regular harinamas to Wheeling
-evening lectures organized by Nityodita Prabhu
-bhakta training is getting under way by Abhinanda Prabhu
-the CD dept has many preaching programs in progress
And, on the facilities side, the list of upgrades done throughout the temple, Lodge and Palace area are impressive.
-new roof on the lodge and registration cabin
-front porch on temple
-back stairs on temple
-fire hydrant and connection pipe installed in prep for city water
-temple asramas major renovations
-big propane tank renovated
-new gift shop at palace
-lodge reception renovated
-swan boat pond cleaned
-new signage
– Domes and main roof patched at the Palace. Next project at the Palace the upper front stairs.These improvements have been financed by the Capital Investment Fund to which the gas money was allocated. The gas funds are at about $60,000, an amount the board decided to keep as an emergency fund. Please see the attached printout of the Capital Investment Fund usage.
All of these upgrades and renovations have certainly improved the look and health of New Vrindaban to a great extent. There are still opportunities for service, however, some of which are listed below:
-gazebos at the swan boat pond need work
-the ghat needs more attention
-the swan boat house needs work as does:
-the bridge between the 2 ponds, and
-the bridge near Gaur Nitai statues.
Gopal’s Garden Home School Co-op had a very good year, with a high quality of education, committed teachers, and quite a few extracurricular classes, such as art, music, and public speaking. INMV and ECOV (formerly GEETA) funded the school for the 2011 school year. We hope to attract more families with school age children to our community and school.
The final version of the Master Plan will be ready for discussion within 2 months. The land board held two public meetings to discuss the topic of Land Sales vs. Life Estate. The proposal to offer Life Estate at Varsana Lane (around the jewelry shop and the ridge towards East) as well as to sell land at Kestners was accepted by the ISKCON board. Jaya Krsna presented the organizational structure of the ISKCON New Vrindaban and a mission statement.
The meeting was then opened for discussion.
At this time, the author of the anonymous letter put out through Jaya Murari’s email last week came forward (Nityodita Prabhu). He expressed that many of his questions were answered during the course of the meeting.
Time Sensitive Announcement
Tune in to radio Station WKKX at 1600 AM on the dial, tomorrow, Sat. June 30 at 10:30 a.m. Tapahpunjah das, a long-standing resident of New Vrindaban will be doing an interview discussing the local sustainable agriculture program in which he has been involved, namely the Green Wheeling Initiative and the Small Farm Training Center.
A Bhagavad Gita in every motel
John and Stacey Lake came through New Vrindaban on a very transcendental mission. They’re traveling all around the country, putting Srila Prabhupada Bhagavad Gita As It Is in every hotel, right next to the Bible.
Stacey tells how they’ve experienced special protection from the Lord on their whole trip so far.
“We distributed some Bhagavad Gitas at a hotel in Sarasota, FL and, the day after we left, there was a hurricane. Actually, practically everywhere we stopped while going up the east coast to disseminate the Gitas, some extreme bad weather followed, but we always narrowly missed it! We feel especially protected by Krsna, and we feel it’s due to our truckload of Bhagavad Gitas!”
Bhagavad Gita As It Is ki jaya!! All Glories to the Bhagavad Gita!
by Lilasuka dasi
The Palace of Gold enters summer gracefully
Pilgrims and guests love touring Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold in the New Vrindaban Community. This summer, things are looking even more attractive. The roses at the beautiful Rose Garden are in full bloom already. The Palace garden crew is working every day to continue to keep the manicured grounds around the Palace very attractive and neat for our guests to enjoy. This is Srila Prabhupada’s house, so we want it to always shine.
The Palace has undergone some improvements already this year. The roof and dome have been patched to prevent further water leakage. Painting on the outside of the Palace is also going on.
The former Palace Gift Shop is moving to a new facility due to damages. This new Gift Shop is almost done and will be located in a separate building next to the Palace towards the front. The Gift Shop is an important information center for our guests.
The front steps of the Palace are in much need of immediate repair. The budget for the upper front stairs is $60,000.00. Please contact Yugal Kisor das at 304-843-1600 ext 105 if you are interested in helping to support this crucial maintenance project for the Palace of Gold.

Welcome to Brijabasi Spirit
Thank you for taking the time to visit the New Vrindaban community blog. Think of visiting our blog as making a virtual pilgrimage.
Hare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
"May cows stay in front of me; may cows stay behind me; may cows stay on both sides of me. May I always reside in the midst of cows."
Hari Bhakti-vilas 16.252
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