Tuesday, April 24 — Land Stewardship Plan Presentation

Dear Brijabasis,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

New Vrindaban has been working in collaboration with West Virginia University in Morgantown (WVU) to develop a Land Stewardship Plan for our community.  Last month, WVU hosted an Open House, and this month the same group hosted a Site Visit.

On Tuesday, April 24, WVU will present their work to the devotees.  The presentation will be in Morgantown and everyone is invited to attend.

Please RSVP by 10:00 am on Friday, April 20, by:

  • Speaking with Bhaktin Rita  

DATE:   Tuesday, April 24

TIME:    11:45 am  Depart from NV
7:00 pm  Return to NV

PLACE:  Meet at the yajna shalla (between the temple and Govinda’s Snack Bar)

Welcome the 2 new cows!

Welcome the new cows

by Rasa Priya Gopi dasi

We’re pleased to welcome two pregnant Brown Swiss heifers, who were gifted by separate Indian donors. They are both two years old and due to calf in May. They were rescued from a closed dairy farm in Middletown, MD.  Lalita Gopi has temporarily named them Jamuna and Malati, awaiting the donors’ approval.  Jamuna and Malati are still adjusting to their new surroundings and are very shy around humans. With the loving care of the devotees, we hope they’ll soon feel at home, and safe in our protection.

New! Mahabharata Discussions on Wednesdays

Dear Devotees,

I invite you to join me on Wednesday evenings.  I’ve  started a program of Mahabharata discussion which  began this Wed. April 4 with a short reading from the Mahabharata I’ve been writing for some years.  My rendering of the Mahabharata is cinematic in its approach – that is, lean and action packed.  Wednesdays from 7:30 PM to 8:15 in the Temple for the next few months.

ys, Sankirtana das
PS: I guess this is part of a new Occupy The Temple movement.

Tuesday, April 10 @ 2:45 — Land Stewardship Site Visit

Dear Brijabasis,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Last month, WVU hosted a Land Stewardship Open House.  At that meeting, a variety of topics were discussed including deer management, a long-term forestry management plan, and parikrama paths and interpretive trails.

Next Tuesday, April 10, WVU will be returning to New Vrindaban to visit some of the sites that had been discussed during the Open House.  Everyone is invited to participate in the site visit.

We will meet near the temple and then go out by foot, so please wear good walking shoes, bring drinking water, bring an umbrella in case of light rain, etc.

DATE:     Tuesday, April 10 (Rain date in case of heavy rain — Tuesday, April 17)
TIME:       2:45  — 5:00 pm
PLACE:    Meet at the yajna shalla (between the temple and Govinda’s  Snack Bar)

24 hour kirtan June 16-17 in New Vrindavan

Get ready!

24 Hour Kirtan is coming to New Vrindaban on June 16-17, 2012

The 24-Hour Kirtan is celebrating its 6th Anniversary this year!

Please join in the spiritual fun!



Super Saturday Kirtan April 7 2012

Super Saturday Kirtan

This Saturday April 7th 2012 , once again we present the Super Saturday Kirtan for the pleasure of Sri Sri Radha Vrindavanchandra.

Chant Chant Chant! Bring everyone together and relish the names of Krishna.

This time we hope to have all the Super Devotees From New Vrindaban!!

Hari Hari Bol !

Come  Participate and Get Purified !

4pm – 9 pm Sat. April 7

Contact : GaurNatraj Das or Bhakta Garrison .

Hare Krishna


A Wedding Story

by Hari Chakra das

They had chosen just the right moment. According to the astrological calculations of the head priest, Sat. Mar. 3 at exactly 11:53 AM was the most auspicious time for Hari Chakra das and Maharasa dasi to enter the sacred union of marriage (grhastha asrama). Their ceremony took place right on time at the Radha Vrindaban Chandra temple in the New Vrindaban, WV community.  The ceremony was done with precision in traditional Telugu (South Indian) style.  It was a beautiful ceremony.

Before the marriage,  Varsana Swami gave his blessings to the bride and groom. Then, to begin the function, the bridegroom was invited to the marriage arena by the bride’s family, with an offering of flowers. Soon, the bride came in and had to undergo several  special  rituals. The most noteworthy one was where a mixture of the spice cumin, and raw sugar in the form of a candy-like resin or powder called jaggery are formed into a paste.  Just as this paste will never separate, in the same way, the bride and bridegroom will never separate.  At exactly the auspicious moment (in this case 11:53 AM) both bride and bridegroom placed this mix on each other’s forehead.

These activities were followed by the ring exchange and the “mangal sutra”, the beautiful wedding necklace exchange.

The bridegroom said, “I feel very fortunate to have gotten the opportunity to be married in the holy place of New Vrindaban, which is not different than the original Vrindaban, India, the  birthplace of  Lord Krishna.”    The bride agreed, “I too feel fortunate to have exchanged my marriage vows in front of Radha Vrindaban Chandra. It was such a joyous occasion with the blessings of all the devotees present.”

Prabhupada Views Calves In New Vrindaban

Upcoming Srimad Bhagavatam Classes in the N.V. Temple

Here is the schedule of who will be giving the early morning Srimad Bhagavatam classes this coming week, Mon. April 1 through Fri. April 5.

Everyone is welcome to come and engage in “sravanam, kirtanam” – hearing and chanting.

Monday –        Kripamaya das
Tuesday –       Srila Prabhupada
Wednesday – Nityo Dita das
Thursday –      Sukhavaha dasi
Friday –           Madri dasi

A Spiritual Perspective on Agriculture by Gaura Natraja dasa

“Varnasrama (a social system where every person is engaged according to his/her propensity for their spiritual upliftment) is not possible without agriculture and cows”.  I had heard this a million times, at times even experienced a little bit of it . But yesterday by the mercy of Krishna I got a very nice clear picture of it. We visited ISCOWP (International Society for Cow Protection)  farm maintained by Balabhadra Prabhu yesterday.

When speaking on agriculture, Balabhadra Prabhu said Mother Earth becomes happy when she is ploughed by the bull because the bull represents dharma (real religion). When the ploughing releases dust from the earth the fragrance is once again Krishna. Again Krishna states in the Gita that  “I am the seed-giving father” and truly when we plant the seed into the ground we are cultivating living entities to serve Krishna. When the fruits and flowers are given out by Mother Earth (Bhudevi- Wife of Vishnu) we use them in the service of Krishna . So all the fruits and flowers become devotees. If we look at every living entity like this, then the saying “Sarva khalvidam brahma” becomes true.

We were patting the bull Shri and then Priyavrata, and they were so gentle and loving. I had never seen such gentle bulls before. It can only be because of the love and care given to them that they are so gentle. It made us realize that attraction for Krishna means attraction for cows,bulls, nature, agriculture and all living entities.

Haribol !  Gomata ki jai !
All glories to Dharma the bull !


Welcome to Brijabasi Spirit

Thank you for taking the time to visit the New Vrindaban community blog. Think of visiting our blog as making a virtual pilgrimage.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

"May cows stay in front of me; may cows stay behind me; may cows stay on both sides of me. May I always reside in the midst of cows."
Hari Bhakti-vilas 16.252
