Madhava Gosh Recalls Srila Prabhupada Reuniting with Kaliya, New Vrindaban’s First Cow – 1976

Srila Prabhupada meets Kaliya, New Vrindaban’s original cow, on the path to the New Vrindaban farmhouse, 1976.
Madhava Gosh Recalls Srila Prabhupada Reuniting with Kaliya, New Vrindaban’s First Cow.
Originally published in Volume 3 #9 of the Brijabasi Spirit 1976.
We waited at the gate on the Vrindaban road the morning Srila Prabhupada took darshan at the temple of Radha Vrindaban Natha. He arrived surrounded by two busloads of prabhus from Radha Damodara who had walked up behind him, only taking time off from flooding the country with Prabhupada’s books to see His Divine Grace. As Prabhupada got out of the truck that brought him part of the way up the road, the devotees made a path through the assembled cows for him to walk, and we fell in behind.
The green foliage canopying the road glistened with dew in the early morning sun. Prabhupada more flowed than walked over the foot-trodden dirt road, deftly avoiding the water-filled holes, and we ducked branches to keep up. In the woods alongside, the cows swished the brush aside, flashing colorfully amongst the verdant growth.
As we turned onto the last stretch, the over-growth opened up into a grazing area, and Mother Kaliya could be seen walking alongside. She was the first cow at New Vrindaban, and Prabhupada drank her milk when he spent a whole month at Vrindaban a long time ago. In the karmi world cows know they are going to be slaughtered at the end of their economic usefulness and they will not let humans come near them without attempting to flee. Yet Kaliya seemed totally calm despite the large crowd, keeping pace with aged gait (No one knows how old she is, probably fifteen or so).
Advaitacarya dasa asked Prabhupada if he had named her and he nodded yes. Just as if she had heard, Kaliya turned from the path on which she was walking and lightly skipped down the short steep bank to the road, causing the devotees there to stop and let her pass right next to Prabhupada, as close as she could without causing him to break stride. Then she briskly headed down the road. She stopped once and looked back over her shoulder, then continued on towards the abode of Radha Vrindaban Natha.

Srila Prabhupada takes darshan of Sri Radha Vrindabannatha at the original New Vrindaban farmhouse, 1976.
Prabhupada Sangam at the Palace at New Vrindaban
Prabhupada Sangam at the Palace
By Sachimata Prins
July 24, 2013
On Tuesday, July 23rd, there was a wonderful evening program organized at the Palace in New Vrindaban to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s first tour of the Palace being built in his honor. Many devotees attended.
We heard how, forty years ago, the Palace was really in its rough stages – only the foundation and a few walls. But the devotees were anxious for Srila Prabhupada to see their devotion, and Kirtanananda Swami wanted to give him the grand tour, along with some of the devotees who were actually building the Palace. Soma das recalled that Bali Mardhana mentioned in Krishna Book, that Krishna’s Palace in Dwarka was illuminated with jewels. Srila Prabhupada turned to him, and spoke one of his now most memorable quotes, “These devotees, my disciples, are my jewels.”
After learning about all the elaborate plans for Prabhupada’s study, bedroom, kitchen, bath and temple room, Prabhupada turned to Kirtanananda Swami and asked, “So are you going to install Radha-Vrindaban Chandra here, and Kirtanananda replied, “No, Srila Prabhupada, we are going to install you here.”
To which Srila Prabhupada replied, “This is proper.”
A few senior Prabhupada disciples, namely Yudhistira das and Rasa Lila dasi, also contributed wonderful stories and personal experiences about his visit at that time. We learned that Rasa Lila was initiated on that visit, along with Bhakta Marga Swami, Advaita, and Meghamala. Varsana Maharaj, who was Kashyapa das at that time, took 2nd initiation. Yudhistira’s pastimes were centered on Prabhupada’s desire that New Vrindaban be a beacon of light in the process of establishing self-sufficiency in Iskcon farm communities. That we should depend on the cows, and train the oxen, so we could grow our own food, etc. All in all, it was a wonderful and interesting evening.
I personally am so happy that these monthly programs are being organized by Kripamaya prabhu. I’ve been to three so far this summer, and I’ve noticed that Srila Prabhupada always seems to have a big smile on his face, which tells me how pleased he is to have some of the local N.V. residents, newcomers, and guests visit him in his home and glorify him.
I just know that anyone who takes advantage of these sweet get-togethers will not be disappointed. They are all centered on pastimes of
Srila Prabhupada, his instructions, and his vision for New Vrindaban.
Besides our regular daily sadhana, it’s so important for devotees to come together and relish the stories and history of New Vrindaban. Hope to see you at the next one.
Haribol, your servant,
Sachimata devi dasi
ISKCON New Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes – June 13, 2013
ISKCON New Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes – 6/13/13
Participating Board Members: Dayavira, Chaitanya Mangala, Jaya Krsna, Ranaka & Tamohara.
1. Increase Transparency
It was discussed and approved that we begin publishing the minutes of the monthly board meetings.
2. Community Investment Fund
The report on the Community Investment Fund (CIF) was explained. The balance of the CIF account will be $17,863.37 if all project budgets are completely used. The reconciled balance of the CIF account on 5/31/13 was $85,686. The different CIF projects are in line with their respective budgets, except the restaurant, which is over budget by $28,366. The amount will be paid back from the operational account sometime in August or September.
3. Jaga Account
The Jaga account reconciled amount is $119,229; the available balance is $79,549. The Jaga funds are dedicated to create housing in New Vrindaban; this is done either through acquisition of new properties or to improve the general infrastructure. Some of the projects currently financed through the funds are the Temple area water supply, the road to Kestners, the set up generators for the temple and the lodge. Projects are in line with the budgets, except the water project which is over budget by $11,652.
4. Bahulaban Pink Building Demolition & Securing the Utility Building
The budget for the demolition of the pink building is in total $30,000. ECOV is donating half of the amount and providing a loan to INV for the other half. ECOV also decided to donate $5,000 to secure the Utility Building at Bahulaban. Madhava Gosh had a quote for a new metal roof on the pink building for $20,000. The combined amount of $35,000 should cover the costs for the demolition as well as the other measures to secure the Utility Building.
5. Improving Community Spirit
Chaitanya Mangala Prabhu listed three topics for discussion.
a. Individual counseling by a devotee counselor from outside NV.
b. Group counseling for community members about past events & experiences.
c. Professional interpersonal communications training.
Jaya Krsna Prabhu mentioned that he is waiting for a proposal from Vrajalila Prabhu for counseling sessions in New Vrindaban. Sukhavaha Prabhu had done a number of good mediations last year. She was so far not active this year.
Jaya Krsna informed the board members that he is organizing family and organizational constellations with Krsna Lila devi dasi from New York. She is respected for her service all over the world. A number of senior community members joined for the recent seminars. It can be easily detected that the devotees participating are making substantial progress.
Jaya Krsna mentioned that he is organizing his schedule so he can spend more time focusing on devotee care and community building.
6. Succession
During the Community Dialog in April Sankirtan Prabhu mentioned three prerequisites to attract new community members: housing, income, schools.
Along these lines it was mentioned that NV needs new apartments & town houses; we have to create income opportunities for grhastas and develop high school level education.
To attract new temple devotees, additional accommodations for support staff are needed. It will allow a clearer separation between devotees following strictly the temple program and the staff who are engaged in various services but not ready to follow a temple standard.
The department heads need additional training in their day-to-day service as well as in developing successors within their staff. Jaya Krsna is actively inviting devotees from all over the world to assure succession for the temple and community.
7. Service & Employment Structure
Points discussed:
– Develop a clear structure outlining which occupations are volunteer service and which may be paid.
– Needs of devotees/staff to stay long term in New Vrindaban.
– Clarification is needed to separate devotional and organizational relationships.
– Members of the Board sees this as an important topic that should continue to be discussed again in the near future.
H.H. Bhakti Raghava Swami visiting New Vrindaban Thu, Fri, Sat 25,26,27 of July
Hare Krishna,
Dear Brijavasis,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila PRabhupada.
H.H.Bhakti Raghava Swami will be visiting New Vrindaban Thu, Fri, Sat 25, 26, 27 of July . He will give initiations on the 27th Saturday morning and will give the class on Saurday morning. . He will attend the Pushya abishek. He will leave on Sunday morning for DC.
He is an inspiration for those aspiring to live in a farm community. He himself has been living in a farm for the last 2 years to set an example. If anybody would like to have a program on Fri and Sat nights please let me know.
Yours in service of Lord Krishna,
Gaur Natraj Das
Acyuta Gopi Dasi Leads During New Vrindaban’s 24 Hour Kirtan – June 15th, 2013
Video of Acyuta Gopi Dasi leading during New Vrindaban’s 24 Hour Kirtan – June 15th, 2013. Thanks to Bhakta Vatsala Dasa for posting on Youtube.
See the Ratha Yatra Bliss in New Vrindaban
From last Saturday July 20, witness the bliss that was Ratha Yatra, New Vrindaban, 2013!
New Vrindaban’s 3rd Annual Flower Bathing Ceremony Sat. July 27
New Vrindaban will be celebrating its third annual “PUSHPA ABHISHEK” where we bathe their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Chandra with rainbow showers of flowers petals.
Sat. July 27, 2013Schedule:
7:00 PM Arotika
7:30 PM Pushpa Abhishek
8:15 PM Feast
9:15 PM Swan Boat Festival
If you have any flowers or petals you would like to offer to the Lorde for the Abhishek, please bring them to the temple at 8:00 AM Sat. morning, or any time before 6 PM.
New Vrindaban’s 2nd Annual Festival of Colors Sat. Sept. 14
Saturday, September 14th, 2013 (11am – 7pm)
The world’s happiest event is just around the corner! On Sat. Sept. 14 2013, the Palace of Gold will host its 2nd annual Festival of Colors. Come and join the fun with hundreds of other lively color-throwing participants. The festival is an exuberant gathering of people united in the desire to celebrate life, where everyone is invited to join in!
Festivities include eight hours of continuous music and jamming, with hourly color throwings. Last year one guest appreciated that “those people at the Festival of Colors sure know how to throw a party!”
The event is perfect for all ages, as witnessed by one father, who confirmed, “My family and I had a great time, and look forward to coming back year after year to ‘celebrate life’ in this special way.”
So mark the date – Saturday, September 14th, 2013 – and invite your friends to come ‘Color your life and throw your worries to the wind!’
More info @
Revised Bhajans for All – Mon. July 22, Note Changed to 6 PM At Damodar’s and Gopa’s
The Monday night BHAJANS at Yamuna’s house will be combined, instead, with a home program at Gopa and Damodara’s house.
Guest Speaker: His Grace Bhakti Vasudeva Maharaja, from Nigeria, a disciple of His Holiness Bhaktitirtha Swami
at 6:00 PM
New Vrindaban: Back to Godhead Magazine Article – February 1969
New Vrindaban
Back to Godhead Magazine article – February 1969
by Hayagriva Dasa
A spritual concept of community life
One practical aspect of the Krishna Consciousness Movement is now taking form in the hills of West Virginia. This is a report on the development and the philosophical background of that important project.
“You have New York, New England and so many ‘new’ duplicates of European places in the USA why not import New Vrindaban in your country?” -A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, in a letter to his disciples
New Vrindaban, a spiritual community united in the pursuit of Krishna Consciousness, is now taking shape under the guidance of our Guru Maharaj, A. C . Bhaktivedanta Swami. Now the hills of West Virginia are vibrating daily with the Maha (Hare Krishna) Mantra, and it is certain that the forests, fields and mountains are no longer in West Virginia they have entered the spiritual sky of Vaikuntha. By the mere touch of sound, everything at New Vrindaban is Krishna-ized. And by the mercy of the spiritual master, America is seeing a resurgence of God consciousness.
The conception and purpose of New Vrindaban are best set forth in the letters of Swamiji himself. Primarily, the place is intended to serve as an amiable location for reviving our dormant God consciousness. In New Vrindaban, remembrance of Krishna is easy because the atmosphere is conducive: “We can remember Krishna in every moment. We remember Krishna while taking a glass of water, because the taste of water is Krishna. We can remember Krishna as soon as we see the sunlight in the morning, because the sunlight is a reflection of Krishna’s bodily effulgence. And as soon as we see moonlight in the evening, we remember Krishna, because moonlight is the reflection of sunlight. Similarly, when we hear any sound, we can remember Krishna because sound is Krishna, and the most perfect sound, transcendental, is Hare Krishna, which we have to chant 24 hours. So there is no scope of forgetting Krishna at any moment of our life, provided we practice in this way.”
The atmosphere of New Vrindaban is suitable for such a remembrance process it is cosmic, rural, woodsy. Under the Milky Way, Kirtan the chanting of Hare Krishna to the accompaniment of musical instruments expands. Orion, Saggitarius, Virgo all vibrate to the cymbal rhythm, the sounds loosed in the night, broadcast from the mountains of planet earth. The firmament revolves around Vrindaban the Maha Mantra twirls it about.
Life revolves about the Maha Mantra the charting of the Holy Names. There is Kirtan, group chanting, every morning and evening. Aritik cymbal clashing, offering to the Deity is performed before dawn and four times throughout the day. The morning Kirtan is usually over before sunrise. Then morning “Prasadam,” food first offered for the pleasure of the Lord, is taken, usually cereal, and the day’s chores begin. There is much work at New Vrindaban, and all participate.
The system and purpose of New Vrindaban is set forth specifically in the letters of Swamiji:
“Vrindaban conception is that of a transcendental village, without any of the botheration of the modern industrial atmosphere. My idea of developing New Vrindaban is to create an atmosphere of spiritual life where people in the bona fide divisions of society namely, Brahmacharies [celibate students], Grihasthas [householders], Vanaprasthas [the retired], and Sannyasis [renounced holy men] will live independently, completely depending on agricultural produce and milk from the cows.” (8/17/68)
“To retire from activities is not a very good idea for the conditioned soul. I have very good experience, not only in our country, but also in your country, that this tendency of retiring from activities pushes one down to the platform of laziness, and gradually to the ideas of the hippies.
“One should always remain active in Krishna’s service, otherwise strong Maya [illusion] will catch him and engage him in her service. Our constitutional position being to render service, we cannot stop activity. So NewVrindaban may not be turned into a place of retirement, but some sort of activities must go on there. If there is good prospective land, we should produce some grains, flowers and fruits, and keep cows, so that those living there may have sufficient work and facility for advancing in Krishna Consciousness. In India, actually, Vrindaban has now become a place of the unemployed and of beggars. Kirtanananda has already seen it. And so there is always a tendency toward such degradation if there is no sufficient work in the service of Krishna. ” (7/14/68)
From the beginning, as Swamiji suggested, the program at New Vrindaban has been geared to enable the student to progress along the path of devotional service, and so there is work going on all the time. And the program is sufficiently diversified to accommodate a variety of talents, dovetailing them in Krishna’s service.
As in the many transcendentalist farms of 19th century America, the concept of life at New Vrindaban is that of plain living and high thinking.
“Vrindaban does not require to be modernized, because Krishna’s Vrindaban is a transcendental village. They completely depend on nature’s beauty and nature’s protection. The community in which Krishna preferred to belong was the Vaishya community, because Nanda Maharaj [Krishna’s foster father, with whom He spent His childhood while on Earth] happened to be a Vaishya king, or landholder, and his main business was cow protection. It is understood that he had 900,000 cows, and Krishna and Balaram used to take charge of them, along with Krishna’s many cowherd boy friends. Every day, in the morning, He used to go out with His friends and cows into the pasturing grounds.
“So, if you seriously want to convert this spot into New Vrindaban, I shall advise you not to make it very much modernized. But as you are American boys, you must make it just suitable to your minimum needs. Nor should you make it too much luxurious, as generally Europeans and Americans are accustomed. Better to live there without modern amenities, and to live a natural, healthy life for executing Krishna Consciousness. It may be an ideal village where the residents will have plain living and high thinking.

Walking path to the original New Vrindaban farm.
“For plain living we must have sufficient land for raising crops, and pasturing grounds for the cows. If there is sufficient grains and production of milk, then the whole economic problem is solved. You do not require any machines, cinema, hotels, slaughter houses, brothels, nightclubs all these modern amenities. People in the spell of Maya are trying to squeeze out gross pleasure from the senses, which it is not possible to derive to our heart’s content. Therefore we are confused and baffled in our attempt to get eternal pleasure from gross matter. Actually, joyful life is on the spiritual platform, and therefore we should try to save our valuable time from material activities and engage it in Krishna Consciousness. But at the same time, because we have to keep our body and soul together to execute our mission, we must have sufficient (not extravagant) food to eat, and that will be supplied by grains, fruits and milk.
“The difficulty is that the people in this country want to continue their practice of sense gratification, and at the same time they want to become transcendentally advanced. This is quite contradictory. One can advance in transcendental life only by the process of negating the general practice of materialistic life. The exact adjustment is in Vaishnava philosophy, which is called ‘Yukta Vairagya.’ This means that we should simply accept the bare necessities for the material part of life, and try to save time for spiritual advancement. This should be the motto of New Vrindaban, if you at all develop it to the perfectional stage.” (6/14/68)
Regarding New Vrindaban’s cow protection program, Swamiji has written:
“We must have sufficient pasturing ground to feed the animals all round. We have to maintain the animals throughout their lives. We must not make any program for selling them to the slaughter houses. This is the way of cow protection. Krishna by His practical example taught us to give all protection to the cows, and that should be the main business of New Vrindaban. Vrindaban is also known as Gokula. Go means cows, and Kula means congregation. Therefore the special feature of New Vrindaban will be cow protection, and by doing so, we shall not be the losers.
“In India, of course, a cow is protected, and the cowherdsmen derive sufficient profit by such protection. Cow dung is used for fuel. Cow dung dried in the sunshine is kept in stock for utilization as fuel in the villages. They get wheat and other cereals produced from the field. There is milk and vegetables and the fuel is cow dung, and thus they are self-sufficient, independent, in every village. There are hand weavers for the cloth. And the country oil-mill (consisting of a bull walking in a circle around two big grinding stones, attached with yoke) grinds the oil seeds into oil.
“The whole idea is that people residing in New Vrindaban may not have to search for work outside. Arrangements should be such that the residents will be self-satisfied. That will make an ideal ashram. I do not know whether these ideals can be given practical shape, but I think like that, that people may be happy in any place with land and cow, without endeavoring for the so-called amenities of modern life which simply increase anxieties for maintenance and proper equipment. The less we are anxious for maintaining our body, the more we become favorable for advancing in Krishna Consciousness.” (6/14/68)

A devotee at the original New Vrindaban farm.
As for the development of buildings, Swamiji has given specific instructions for temples and living quarters. At present New Vrindaban includes 133 acres (with more land available in the future) of pasture, forest, ponds, mountains and streams. So there are varied settings for numerous buildings. Swamiji advises:
“Concentrate on one temple, and then we shall extend one after another. Immediately the scheme should be to have a temple in the center, and residential quarters for the Brahmacharies or Grihasthas surrounding it. Let us go ahead with that plan at first.
“Also, you will be pleased to note that I’ve asked Goursundar to make a layout of the whole land, and I shall place 7 different temples in different situations, as prototypes of Vrindaban. There will be seven principle temples, namely, Govinda, Gopinath, Madan Mohan, Shyamsundar, Radha Raman, Radha Damodar, and Gokulananda. Of course, in Vrindaban there are, more or less, big and small, about 5,000 temples; that is a far distant scheme. But immediately we shall take up constructing at least 7 temples in different situations, meadows and buildings. So I am trying to make a plan out of the description of the plot of our land. And the hilly portions may be named Goverdhan. On the Goverdhan hillsides, the pasturing grounds for the cows may be alloted.” (8/23/68)
In conclusion, New Vrindaban is a means of attaining life’s ultimate goal in the service of the Lord, Sri Krishna. The sincere participants can thereby please the spiritual master by progress in Krishna Consciousness, and when the spiritual master is pleased, Lord Krishna is pleased.
“Now we can work with great enthusiasm for constructing a New Vrindaban in the United States of America. People who came here from Europe to this part of the world named so many new provinces, just like New England, New Amsterdam, New York. So I also came to this part of the world to preach Krishna Consciousness, and by His Grace and by your endeavor, New Vrindaban is being constructed. That is my great happiness. Our sincere endeavor in the service of the Lord, and of the Lord’s assistants, to make our progressive march successful these are two important things to be followed in the spiritual advancement of life.
“I think it was Krishna’s desire that this New Vrindaban scheme should be taken up by us, and now He has given us a great opportunity to serve Him in this scheme. So let us do it sincerely and all other help will come automatically. I am very glad to notice in Kirtanananda’s letter that he has realized more and more that the function of New Vrindaban is nothing physical or bodily, but purely spiritual and for the glorification of the Lord, Sri Hari [Krishna]. If we actually keep this view before us, certainly we shall be successful in our progressive march.” (8/23/68)

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Hare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
"May cows stay in front of me; may cows stay behind me; may cows stay on both sides of me. May I always reside in the midst of cows."
Hari Bhakti-vilas 16.252
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