ECOV Board Meeting Minutes – May 18th, 2013
ECOV Board Meeting Minutes 5-18-2013
Participating Members of the Board of Directors: Anuttama, Chaitanya Mangala, Kripamaya, Navin Shyam, Ranaka
1. Increase allocation for water bottle filling station
WHEREAS: The ECOV Board wishes to reduce the use of plastic water bottles on New Vrindaban property.
RESOLVED: The Board increases our original grant of $1600 for a water bottle filling station in the restaurant (as recorded in the minutes of the March 2, 2013 meeting) by $1500 – for a total of $3100 – to allow for the purchase of an outdoor station to be placed outside the restaurant.
2. Materials for prototype housing
WHEREAS: The ECOV Board has committed to funding the construction of a prototype alternative construction residence at the Garden of Seven Gates.
RESOLVED: The Board approves up to $5000 for materials for the prototype house construction project.
3. Temple barn fence replacement
WHEREAS: The fence around the temple barn and palace pastures is no longer effectively containing the cows.
RESOLVED: The Board approves transfer of the remaining balance already approved for the Madhuban Eco-Village fence $5,152, together with a new allocation of $2,000, toward replacing the strand of electric fence on the back side of the Palace with a white board fence, and replacing the rest of the fence that runs from the temple barn out through the woods, along the backside of the palace and then along the state road back to the barn with high-tensile smooth wire fencing.
4. Project Manager’s Reports
The ECOV Board reviewed the active list of approved projects. Among the updates:
• The bins have been purchased for the grain storage project. An auger still needs to be purchased to move grain from the floor to the top of the bins for filling. Then the supply of grain to fill the bins must be determined.
• Repairs to the utility building at Bahulaban will likely be delayed due to an INV manpower shortage.
• The Deity milk offering project is happening. Navin Shyam will check-in with Jaya Krsna and Nityodita about the progress.
• Navin Shyam will check-in with Jaya Krsna about the remaining 2 water filling stations (Palace & outside restaurant), and will also coordinate the signage and metal water bottle selling with him.
5. Bahulaban Pink Building Removal
WHEREAS: The ECOV Board wishes to ensure the ecological responsibility of demolition projects on ECOV and INV lands.
RESOLVED: The Board approves of the demolition plan for the pink building at Bahulaban as proposed by Gopisa, involving the renting of dumpsters for removal of foam insulation waste and any other toxic materials, and the hiring of workers to separate such waste from the wood and stone/concrete, which will be reused.
6. Grant request & micro-loan inquiry
WHEREAS: The ECOV Board wishes to ensure that any funding it provides is consistent with the laws governing non-profit corporations.
RESOLVED: The Board approves up to $500 to get legal advice on if, and how, ECOV might be able to offer microloans and grants to start or support small businesses in New Vrindaban.
7. Rafael’s involvement
WHEREAS: The ECOV Board wishes to decrease the management burden on Gosh while simultaneously granting more responsibility to Rafael.
RESOLVED: Based on the recommendations by Gosh, the Board approves Rafael as Project Manager for the following projects:
• Deity flower garden,
• Temple/lodge garden beds, and
• Trees & berries
As the Project Manager, Rafael will report to Ranaka and coordinate his efforts in and around the Temple and Garden of Seven Gates with Tapahpunja and Jaya Krsna. Gosh will continue to act as an advisor on these projects.
Please visit the ECOV Facebook Page!
Mason and Project Manager Needed at New Vrindaban’s Palace of Gold
Service opportunities at Srila Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold in New Vrindaban
Srila Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold, his samadhi in the West, attracts thousands of visitors each year.
The Palace was recently selected by CNN Travel as one of the eight religious wonders to see in U.S.
Srila Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold needs substantial renovation, which will engage devotees for the next five years.
New Vrindaban is looking for devotees for this wonderful opportunity to serve Srila Prabhupada and the devotees.
There are two paid positions available:
Project Manager Palace of Gold Renovation
Experienced project manager for the planning and supervision of the renovation.
Mason for the Renovation of the Palace of Gold
Experienced in the construction of granite stairs and walls.
Please contact Jaya Krsna das for additional information or to apply –
phone: 304 843 1600, extension 149
Complaint Against New Vrindaban Management
by Nityodita dasa
On May 32, 2013 Mr. Samuel Klubb, manager of a big chain store in Ohio called New Vrindaban Temple President, Jaya Krsna dasa and bitterly pointed out that New Vrindaban’s purchases of milk, butter, heavy whipping cream, and yogurt are at a dangerously low level!
Klubb complained to the humble TP, “Listen to me, upper level management is now threatening my job because of these low sales! Business had been thriving with New Vrindaban’s addiction to the convenience we offer! Now all this nonsense talk of self sufficiency is bringing us close to the brink! I mean can you imagine what will happen to the economy if everyone would grow their own food! You think times are tough now……blah blah blah!”
What’s Really Happening
Have you heard the New Vrindaban News? Vrindaban Chandra, Gopal Krsna is at it again!
Stealing butter!
In desperation to get the sweetest richest butter, He was overheard speaking to Mother Yasoda. “Mata, I beg you please, never go to market ever again to get that bad butter! That butter isn’t even worth stealing! In fact the raccoons won’t even eat it! My cows are the best and so are My gopis and gopas! So why go to market?
“My cowherd boys are everyday skimming the cream off the top of fresh milk and making that cream into the richest yogurt I have ever stolen! Every few days my Gopis churn that yogurt into golden butter and delicious buttermilk! Yummy! And every week they make heavenly ghee to cook my breakfast, lunch and dinner! Not only that but all that skim milk is being used to make yogurt for mango lassi and paneer for subjis for all My devotees! It is the sweet taste of My devotees’ service mixed with the taste of the My personal cows’ milk that causes Me to become a Thief! I can’t help Myself!”
In a recent interview for the Brijabasi Spirit, Anandavidya explains, “Every two days I am able to separate 2 1/2 gallons of cream from 14 gallons of the morning milk! From that cream, I make yogurt and then churn out 7lbs of very beautiful yellow butter! The cows are eating fresh spring grass so the milk reflects their nutritious intake! Some of that butter, Lalita Gopi cooks into ghee and uses it to cook the Lord’s offering. So far we have made 3 batches and will try to increase in the near future! Two new cows are coming fresh this month so milk production and thus butter production will rise! So if you see butter smeared footprints around the Barn and Temple, you guessed it…..The Butter Thief is back! And up to His tricks again!
Special Presentation at the 24 Hour Kirtan at New Vrindaban
Speaker: His Grace Radha Jivana das.
Former ISKCON News Editor Graduates From Law School as Valedictorian

On May 23rd, former ISKCON News editor Navina Shyam Das graduated summa cum laude from law school at the prestigious Temple University, Philadelphia and was honored as Valedictorian.
Navina Shyam tied with one other student for the number one rank in his class, receiving the highest GPA amongst 300 students.
It has been a long path for Navina, who spent many years searching for his professional calling.
Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio as the son of ISKCON congregation members, the young Indian American was the first in his family to become vegetarian and to delve deeply into Krishna consciousness.
“During my undergrad years, I was depressed, and was searching, trying to understand things,” he says.
After searching through other religious texts, he made an informed decision to choose Krishna consciousness, and began living and serving at various ISKCON centers throughout North America.
While serving at the Krishna House in Gainesville, Florida in 2002 he met his wife Krishna Priya and decided it was time to start a career to support his family.
Navina first did a Master’s Degree at the University of Florida in urban and regional planning, thinking he would like to work as a planner. During the summer in between years, he tried the job out, but didn’t find it intellectually engaging enough.
In 2006, he moved to the University of California, Irvine, where he began a PhD in cultural design, specializing in Vastu Shastra under a Bengali professor.
In 2008, he moved back to Florida, where he served as assistant director at the Bhaktivedanta Academy, a primary school at the ISKCON Alachua community. However, realizing that he liked the school but didn’t enjoy managing, he left after a year and a half.
It was then that a devotee suggested practicing law to him. …
Navina Shyam is also already providing the legal perspective as a member of the board of directors of ECOV, an organization that takes care of the New Vrindaban community’s cows and farming. …
Service Opportunities at Srila Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold in New Vrindaban
Srila Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold, his samadhi in the West, attracts thousands of visitors each year. The Palace was recently elected by CNN travel as one of the eight religious wonders to see in U.S.Srila Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold needs substantial renovation which will engage devotees for the next five years. New Vrindaban is looking for devotees for this wonderful opportunity to serve Srila Prabhupada and the vaishnavas.
Project Manager Palace of Gold Renovation
Experienced project manager for the planning and supervision of the renovation.
Mason for the Renovation of the Palace of Gold
Experienced in the construction of granite stairs and walls.
Please contact Jaya Krsna das for additional information –
Next Weekend! June, 15-16, 2013 7th Annual 24 Hour Kirtan In New Vrindaban
Please visit the Mantralogy site for details (*Already Posted)..http://www.
Last year’s audio files, and indeed all years’, are available for free download on ISKCON Desire Tree.
A Special Wedding at New Vrindaban
A Special Wedding at New Vrindaban
by Lilasuka dasi
If you weren’t present at the Palace of Gold Rose Gardens on Sat. May 31, then you really missed something unique and stunning. The very first non-Hare Krishna wedding was held at this beautiful Hare Krishna location. Ryan and Janette, a very special, and friendly, open-minded local couple from Moundsville, WV, found the atmosphere so serene, and the surrounding landscape so inspiring, that they decided to be married at the Rose Garden behind the Palace of Gold at the New Vrindaban Hare Krishna community, located in the verdant, rolling hills near Moundsville, WV.
As the bride and groom walked in to the wedding arena, the crowd was cheering them to the chanting of Hare Krishna! The entire wedding party was amazed by the scenes that followed. The presiding priest, Gaura Natraj Das, directed the ceremony and clearly explained every ritual that he was performing, so that everyone would understand. He tastefully combined a unique blend of an Indian style wedding and a thoughtful, fun ceremony. The newlyweds walked seven times around the lotus water fountain at the center of the Rose Garden, and even engaged in some light-hearted competition to see which one could grab the wedding ring from a pot of water, and thereby be the “strongest”.
One guest described part of the scene: “The best men were so hot from dancing to the Hare Krsna mantra with their suits on, that they all threw their shoes off and jumped into the lotus pond, where they continued to dance. The ecstatic bride even joined in!”
Another guest exclaimed, “There was never a dull moment at THIS wedding!”
The groom’s father called it “A great ceremony!”
One of the children declared, “This is the funnest wedding I’ve ever been to.”
There will no doubt be more of such unique wedding ceremonies at the beautiful Palace of Gold. Maybe the resident white peacock will even fan out its tail feathers for the next fortunate bride too.
All photos by Jason Lanier:
New Book Helps ISKCON Devotees Grow Through Compassion
A new book out this month promises to help readers deepen their spirituality and their relationships by being compassionate to both themselves and others. In Revealing The Heart: The Practice of Compassion, author Sukhavaha Dasi shares the story of her own personal struggles and transformation.
She explains how to progress in spiritual life and gain a deeper understanding of life in general by being deeply honest and carefully choosing words that are self-respecting and respectful of others.
Revealing the Heart uses language that makes sense to members of all faiths. “It’s about being a soul having the human experience, so it’s relevant whatever tradition we’re in,” Sukhavaha says.
But, she adds, “It does have a specific flavor for devotees, which makes it more potent and relevant for them.”
Indeed, Revealing the Heart could hold the key to making ISKCON a society that values people over projects. Specifically, it could help members to become more introspective, doing deep “self-work” that brings them to a more mature state in their spirituality and improves and heals their relationships.
The idea for the book came to Sukhavaha after she did exactly that for herself.
“After practicing Krishna consciousness for twenty-seven years—giving up everything, living in the temple, following the four regulative principles, and chanting my rounds—when I hit menopause, everything fell apart,” she says. “I thought, ‘How could this happen? I should be a pure devotee by now, not an angry, frustrated old lady. What happened here?’”
Sukhavaha began to work on herself, practicing introspection and taking seminars on various aspects of personal development. She integrated her new discoveries in compassionate communication with her Krishna conscious understanding. …
House Warming & Birthday Celebration in New Vrindaban
Dry Wall Raising & 60th Birthday Party
Saturday, June 8th from 11 am to 5 pm.
(Rain Date Sunday, June 9th)
My house (yellow house at the end of Peaceful Lane)
Please do not bring presents.
Rather bring prasadam dishes, drills (with phillips head bits), and razor knives.
Donations of 1 hour of dry wall raising: measuring, cutting, raising and screwing in drywall will help me complete my part in finishing this house.
Please let me know if you will be able to participate. Thank you very much.
Any questions about the details, please call me at 304-843-2334.
Gratefully, Sukhavaha d

Welcome to Brijabasi Spirit
Thank you for taking the time to visit the New Vrindaban community blog. Think of visiting our blog as making a virtual pilgrimage.
Hare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
"May cows stay in front of me; may cows stay behind me; may cows stay on both sides of me. May I always reside in the midst of cows."
Hari Bhakti-vilas 16.252
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