You’re Invited to the Festival of Inspiration May 10, 11 & 12 2013!
You won’t want to miss the 13th Festival of Inspiration, May 10, 11 & 12, 2013:!
Here are some of the presenters for this year’s FESTIVAL OF INSPIRATION:
Radhanath Swami
Ambarisa dasa on the Temple of Vedic Planetarium
Achyutananda dasa on his book “Blazing Sadhus” (or “Never Trust a Holy Man that Can’t Dance)
Dravida dasa
Laxmimoni dasi
Vrajalila dasi
And many more!
Some of the transcendental entertainers are:
Bhaktimarga Swami and the Toronto Players
Tulasi Priya & Ekendra
Anapayini d.d and the Bhakti-Kalalayam Dance Academy
T.K. dasa
For more information or to register, please either call 304 843 1600 ex 128 or visit www.
See you there!
Hare Krsna!
This Week in New Vrindaban April 8 – 15, 2013
Thursday, April 11: 5:30 PM: Music Gathering for everyone, sponsored by BlueHome Artworks, at the School Building
April 8-15
Speakers and verses are subject to change.
At the start of 2013 ECOV began asking devotees to share their ideas for projects they’d like to make happen in New Vrindaban. We are repeating this request and reminding everyone that ECOV is open to funding projects in and around New Vrindaban that have a clear community benefit and are consistent with our mission (see below).
Since putting the word out in January, we are pleased to report that we are currently supporting the following programs:
This Week in New Vrindaban April 1 – 7
Special Programs at Prabhupada’s Palace starting Fri. Mar. 29
5:45 p.m. Bhajans
6:00 p.m. Readings and sharing of memories and realizations
7:00 p.m. Arotika
7:30 p.m. Prasad
March 29th (Fri.) Hladini dasi Remembrance Day
In 1970, on this day, Her Grace Hladini dasi was initiated by Srila Prabhupada. Please bring your memories and readings about Mother Hladini.
April 29th (Fri.) Brijbasi Remembrance Day.
Please bring stories of departed Vaishnavas who served Srila Prabhupada in New Vrindaban.
May 22nd (Wed.) Bhagavatam Remembrance Day
On this day in 1969, Srila Prabhupada gave his first Srimad Bhagavatam lecture in New Vrindaban (1st Canto, Ch. 5, 1-4). Please bring your memories and readings of Srila Prabhupada’s preaching in New Vrindaban.
June 26th (Wed.) Srila Prabhupada’s Palace Remembrance Day
June 22nd, 1976 was the day Srila Prabhupada first visited his Palace . Please bring memories & readings about the building of the Palace. (Observance day shifted since the 22nd falls on a Saturday.)
July 23 (Tues.) Srila Prabhupada’s Rasagulla Fest
In July, 1974, Srila Prabupada showed New Vrindaban devotees how to make rasagullas. Devotees will bring rasagullas (and other preps.) made with milk from N.V cows, share Gomata katha, and letters Srila Prabhupada wrote about his vision for New Vrindaban and cow protection.
August 29th (Thurs.) Srila Prabhupada’s Appearance Day
Sept. 26th (Wed.) Srila Prabhupada arrives in the U.S.A.
October 15th (Tue.) Goswami Remembrance Day
On this disappearance day of Raghunatha Das Goswami, Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami, and Srila Krishnadas Kaviraja Goswami, devotees will pay tribute and seek the blessings of the six Goswamis to help build New Vrindaban.
Note: Sangams will begin with excerpts from lectures given by Srila Prabhupada in NV. Since we want to give everyone who wants to speak time to do so, please be prepared to adjust the time you speak according to how many devotees are present. Devotees not physically present can e-mail their memories to These will be read to Srila Prabhupada during the sat sanga if time permits. If you have suggestions, corrections or questions feel to call Kripamaya das or Krishna Bhava dasi at 304-843-1778
Reminder: Gaura Purnima Festival tomorrow Tues. Mar. 26
6:00 AM JAPA
6:00 PM TO 7:00 PM LECTURE
7:00 PM TO 7:30 PM ARATI
7:45 PM Cultural Presentation
This Week in New Vrindaban Mar 25 – Mar 31
Thursday Mar 28: 5:30 PM Music Gathering at the School,
Hosted by BlueHome Artworks Gifts.
Sankirtan Festival (N.V. Harinama) Friday, March 29th
Hare Krsna, all my most humble obeisances.
An event for everyone, young and old; we would like to have a big crowd. Come and join us, we are eager to see you out there!
Contact either Vrindavana Prabhu ( or myself ( with any questions.
We have a sign-up sheet posted on the prasadam hall billboard, to organize rides and prasadam.
If you can’t make it down and are interested, please send a quick email to either address; we will be happy to accommodate you!
We look forward to your blissful voices and ecstatic smiles,
Thank you very much,
Your servant,
Bhaktin Elyssa
This Week in New Vrindaban Mar. 18 to 25
This Week in New Vrindaban:
March 18-25 Srimad Bhagavatam Classes:
Mon 18th – 10.84.62-64 – Vyapi Prabhu
Wen – CC Madhya 22.54 – Vrindavan Prabhu – topic: Association with devotees
Th – 10.84.65-66 – Lalita Gopi Prabhu
Fr – 10.84.67-71 – Ananta Sesa Prabhu or Abhay Prabhu
Sat – 10.85.1-3 – Gaura Nataraja Prabhu
Sun – 10.85.4 – Premabhakti Prabhu
Sunday feast class – Gaura Nataraja Prabhu
Mon 25th – Damodara Prabhu
Please Note: On the next 5 following Wednesdays we are going to have classes on CC. The topics are the 5 main items of devotional service: association with devotees, chanting, hearing Srimad Bhagavatam, deity worship and residing in a holy dham.
THURSDAY NIGHT BHAJANS MAR. 21: TO BE ANNOUNCED (because of the Family Constellation on Thursday)
Thursday Mar. 21 10:30-1:30 and 3:00-6:00 PM
Friday Mar. 22 10:30-1:30 and 3:00-6:00 PM
Sat. Mar. 23 10:30-1:30 and 3:00-6:00 PM
Sun. Mar. 24 10:30-1:30.
ECOV 2013 Annual Board Meeting
ECOV held their Annual Board Meeting spread over a couple of meetings in February and March. Along with the necessary annul stuff every corporation needs to do, there was some fine tuning of the by laws.
Additionally some regular resolutions were passed as well as follows:
Foam insulation spraying machine
WHEREAS: Both INV and ECOV foresee a need for insulating or re-insulating various buildings in New Vrindaban, and the cost of renting equipment for doing this is significant
RESOLVED: The ECOV Board authorizes up to $25K for the purchase of a foam insulation spraying machine, that will be donated to INV and borrowed as needed.
In discussion it was noted that the material for the foam is soy based and LEED acceptable.
Project Manager Reports
G7G Irrigation
Heavy rains and discovery of slow-draining clay required additional time and modifications, but the irrigation system is scheduled to be completed in the spring, without requiring any funding over the allocated $7K.
Deity garden
WHEREAS: The Board wishes to allow the manager of the Deity Garden greater scope to purchase flowering shrubs.
RESOLVED: The Board increases the 2013 Deity Garden budget allocation by $2K.
WHEREAS: The ECOV Board wishes to construct a prototype house at the Garden of Seven Gates to serve as a model for future construction on the Madhuban site.
RESOLVED: The Board approves up to $6K to pay Blue Rock Station to supervise the building, conduct a workshop and train participants.
Reusable water bottles and filling stations
WHEREAS: The ECOV Board wishes to reduce the consumption of bottled water on the New Vrindaban property.
RESOLVED: The Board approves:
1) Up to $800 for purchasing an initial order of metal water bottles for a test/pilot program
2) Up to $500 to cover labor costs for additional research and work by a project manager.
3) Up to $3,200 for purchase and installation of two filling stations for the restaurant and the Palace of Gold, as well as $800 toward two filling stations for the upstairs of the lodge.
4) Up to $300 for signage.
5. Internal Funding Request: Purchase van for ECOV use
WHEREAS: The Board sees a need to have a vehicle owned by ECOV for use in projects in New Vrindaban.
RESOLVED: The Board approves up to $2500 toward the acquisition, insuring, registering, etc. of a van or other suitable vehicle, to be titled in the name of the organization.
Grant request: “Greening” lodge renovations
WHEREAS: The Board wishes to assist INV in its efforts to renovate buildings in an ecologically-responsible manner.
RESOLVED: The Board approves the following allocations, representing differentials between conventional and eco-friendly alternatives.
$968.64 for 120 gallons of paint.
$259.26 for 300 CFL Bulbs. (The Board also indicated a willingness to allocate an increased amount to cover LED bulbs, if INV chose to use them.)
$1,681.40 for flooring underlay.

Welcome to Brijabasi Spirit
Thank you for taking the time to visit the New Vrindaban community blog. Think of visiting our blog as making a virtual pilgrimage.
Hare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
"May cows stay in front of me; may cows stay behind me; may cows stay on both sides of me. May I always reside in the midst of cows."
Hari Bhakti-vilas 16.252
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