ON Sat. Sept. 15, the New Vrindaban community, home of the Palace of Gold hosted its first Festival of Colors, which was a great success.
There were over 1,080 people who came through. This resulted in large, exuberant crowds of happy, dancing, color-throwing participants who enthusiastically chanted the Hare Krsna maha mantra to the music of four bands.
The Festival of Colors, based on an ancient Indian traditional festival called “Holi” is neither religious nor secular – it is a gathering of people united in the desire to celebrate life, where everyone is invited to join in.
New Vrindaban sponsored this year’s Festival.
One of the festival-goers exclaimed: “It was an awesome Show.. There were about 12 of us in our group. We had a wonderful time. Best time that I had in a long time.”
Many of the festival-goers resolved to “definitely come back next year and bring my friends.”
Krishna Camp Returns to Burning Man in Memory of Nitai
By Madhava Smullen for ISKCON News
Photos by Radhanatha Jakupko
The mood was one of service and treasured memories, as a fifteen-person crew brought Krishna Camp and Krishna Kitchen back to the Nevada festival Burning Man this year for the first time since inspirational director Nitai Das’s passing.
Nitai left this world at only 31 years old when he was killed in a car crash in Florida on January 31st 2012, along with two other devotees, Yadupati Das and Bhakta Tim Carter.
But he will live on through his innovative outreach programs, which he launched in 2006 with assistant director Rasikananda Das.
Krishna Camp and its Krishna Kitchen grew from attempts by Radhanath Swami to reach Rainbow Gathering festivalgoers in the 1980s, and since Nitai’s involvement they have become a part of many major US festivals.
Burning Man, a week-long festival in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert celebrating community, art, self-expression and self-reliance, remains one of the biggest, drawing over 50,000 people.
With its own society eschewing commercialism in favor of service and bartering, the event, held in a huge purpose-built ‘city’, seems perfect for devotees to participate in…
New Vrindaban’s Festival of Colors is only 20 hours away!
Tomorrow, Sat. Sept. 15 from 11 AM to 6 PM we will have the rocking, colorful and delicious FESTIVAL OF COLORS behind the Palace of Gold!!
Please see the poster below the picture.
Also see our website for more info:
Radhastami Celebration at Varsana Maharaj’s
On the most Auspicious
Appearance of Srimate Radharani
September 22, 2012
Saturday 10:00 AM
We would like to invite you to a celebration and presentation to Srimate Radharani of the First of the Vrindavan temples (Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir).
This is a milestone in New Vrindavan history as we witness the unfolding of Srila Prabhupada’s desire to make New Vrindavan a replica of Vrindavan in India.
Srimati Radharani, in the company of Her Prananatha Sri Krsna, her little sister Ananga Manjari, and the Asta Sakhis will be entering within the temple walls for the first time where they will receive Their feast and birthday cake, prepared by a devoted crew serving under the auspices of Radha dasi. Thereafter the assembled inmates will honor Their remnants in a picnic on the shore of Their favorite lake (Radha Kund).
The walls of the temple will be 18 feet tall by Radhastami. The structure with its arched portal and windows will be decorated as a present to Srimate Radharani.
A few of the devotees working on this project have come forward and approached me with the request that the presentation be offered to Radharani as Her birthday gift. In the mood of continuing the inspiration guiding this project, we would like you to come and share in the mood of joyful service and encourage us forward in completion of the temple.
Please come and join us for this celebration. If you have any questions, please call 304-843-2334.
Thank you for your participation.
Trivikrama Maharaja visits New Vrindaban this weekend
Photographers and Videographers Needed!
Do you like to take photos or videos, or do you know someone who does?
The FESTIVAL OF COLORS in New Vrindaban is coming up in only 10 days!!
If you, or if you know someone, who could take photos and/or videos of the ecstatic events during the Festival on that day, please contact Lilasuka dasi.
Such photos and videos of this festival will help us greatly to improve the advertising of our next year’s Festivals.
Lilasuka’s contact info is:
daytime phone: 304-843-1600 ext 106
cell: 724-263-5381
Thanks very much. Hare Krsna
Krishna Kitchen Continues At Burning Man
by Nityo dita das
Hare Krsna!
Nitai always wanted me to come to Burning Man but I always had an excuse. Finally honoring his request, I’m up at 4 am, driving to the airport, boarding a plane to Reno. Setting my GPS for Burning Man, two hours thru the desert leaves me appreciating that even this barren land is also Krsna’s creation. Its own beauty of subtle earth tones contrasting the perfectly blue clean sky.
Approaching the Burning Man site, swirling winds pick up sand particles making them dance like mini twisters! Happy for remembering my ski goggles, I laugh. Reaching the ticket booths, the winds, stopping their child play, now begin fiercely blowing fine sand particles engulfing my vehicle! Laughing nervously, I’m remembering the powdered snow of my childhood ski days. I grew up in Buffalo, NY!
Soon it’s a whiteout! All vehicles come to a standstill and no one is allowed to go forward as visibility is only 5 feet! An hour goes by and I’m wondering, why am I here?
Finally, we are allowed passage and driving through hundreds of campsites, I’m looking for The Opulent Temple, really a techno music camp featuring images of Lord Siva dancing! This is where Krishna Kitchen with its compassionate crew is catering to 200 people. The laxmi from catering finances the whole preaching endeavor!
Finding the handful of Krishna devotees amongst the 50,000 Burners is literally my oasis in this desert!
Actually, it’s a miracle that Krishna Kitchen is even here this year! With Nitai’s passing last January, no one knew if his service would continue. He was the creator, inspiration, manager, leader, and commander in chief of Burning Man preaching. Credit has to go to Mandali, who wants to live for continuing her late husband, Nitai’s, work.
Going into the Prasadam distribution tent, I was greeted warmly by my god brother and head cook, Puspavan. Smiling slyly, he hands me a small packet whispering, “Walnut Burfi, Nitai’s favorite! Thanks to your sister, we made hundreds and wrapped them each in the mahamantra!”
Prasadam distribution was in full swing so I grabbed a ladle and began dishing out heaps of the Mexican style Prasadam to the hungry and appreciative line of Burners. Now checking out the Kitchen tent with all the equipment, I’m remembering Nitai and see his blissful smile reflected everywhere! He was personally involved in procuring every piece of equipment, tent and trailer. How happy he was to organize Prasadam distribution as a way to share his and Krsna’s love with the world!
At night the Festival goes into high gear with loud techno music blaring, pyrotechnic displays flaming and LED lit Mutant Vehicles driving about! Colorfully and bizarrely dressed and undressed Burners are dancing, biking and wandering about amidst large art sculptures placed strategically throughout the desert. With the full moon in the star filled night sky, we are in a carnival of phantasmagoria!
Despite the crazy scene, individually, Burners are some of the most creative, talented, generous, kind and open-hearted people on earth.
Saturday a dozen devotees and friends gather outside the Krishna Kitchen and begin a solemn harinama chanting party crossing the playa to the “Temple”, the large wooden Asian style non-denominational paganesque temporary sacred space that is slated to be burned on Sunday night. Nitai’s picture is posted on the wall along with many others who left the world in the last year. Dancing through the dust several more friends and devotees join until we reach the spot in front of Nitai. The Kirtan quiets as Nitai’s presence is acknowledged by heartfelt expressions of love.
Suddenly, Advaita pulls bags of Holi Color Powders from his shoulder bag and with affection Nitai’s picture is sprinkled with red, yellow, blue, orange and purple colors. The Kirtan turns joyous as the devotees begin throwing colors on each other and happy unsuspecting bystanders get splattered and join in the kirtan of now dancing and jumping devotees! Feeling Nitai’s approval in this new feature of the Krishna Kitchen presence makes us even more enthusiastic!
Serving out Dinner Prasadam, night begins to fall and the energy of 50,000 turns towards the huge 50 ft. wooden Man, slated to burn tonight!
Thousands of festival goers rushing by us to get close, we keep our distance and have Kirtan from our camp but in perfect sight of the Man! Blossoming multi colorful fireworks exploding signal the beginning of the Burn. I’m leading the Kirtan and pick up the tempo as the Man catches fire and the building he was standing on becomes a fiery inferno with huge bursts of flames shooting out unpredictably, HARE KRISHNA!!!!!!
The crowd slowly trickling back, Advaita calls out like a Circus Announcer to groups of people walking past. ” Where you all from? We are looking for some happy humans! You qualify!
Come sit down for the 60 second Mantra Experience! 60 seconds, that’s all! Come on! How many have you have tried meditation before? No one? How about medication? Lol! Well meditation is superior to medication. Now repeat after me! Hare Krsna! Etc. Magically group after group after group come sit down and chant Hare Krishna, receive a mantra card and Walnut Burfi Prasadam! The more inquisitive stay and speak to other devotees or receive one of Srila Prabhupada’s books!
Behind the scenes, the heartbeat of Krsna’s Kitchen is Bhakta Michael’s potwashing! Without clean pots and utensils, everything stops. Under primitive conditions, he manages to keep up with the river of pots AND make the daily salad for hundreds! Little did I know that after a full day of service, at night he packed all the leftovers and went out on his bike searching out hungry Burners! His service is recognized by the Daily Playa News with a full page article praising the service of Krsna’s Kitchen! Viva KK!
Please see this weekend’s Labor Day Festival schedule which is attached.
We’ll have the special Swan Boat Ride on the lake every evening at 9:15 PM in addition to all the other activities.
See you there! Hare Krsna.
Kudos to Two Local Environmentally Conscious Firms
Kudos to Two Local Environmentally Conscious Firms
New Vrindavan is the fortunate benefactor of 800 tons of milled asphalt from the Lindy Paving Co in PA, thanks to the services of the Rettew National Design and Engineering Consulting firm.
We’ve been taking road materials from the repair work done on our local county roads and we’ll be using it to build new roads and infrastructure in our local community.
This is the epitome of the LEED (Land Environment Economics and Development) doctrine in action.
We really appreciate the up-to-date sustainable consciousness of the Rettew Co. In their own words:
“RETTEW is committed to minimizing our impact on the environment. In addition to our focus on resource conservation and sustainable design projects, we are committed to behaving in an environmentally responsible way in our everyday business practice.”
You can read more about their work at and
The Lindy Paving Co. has been invaluable in helping this work be a success.
Please see more information about Lindy Paving in New Galilee, PA at
We thank both the Rettew Associates, Inc. and Lindy Paving for their generosity and commitment to such a high minded environmental cause.
We hope that the extended community joins us in recognizing their contribution in this regard.
Recycle Your E Waste
Best Buy up near Cabela’s at the Highlands will accept pretty much all forms of e-waste…old computers, monitors, printers, TVs, and so on.
So please don’t put them in dumpsters or garbage cans!
This has been a news flash from your NEW VRINDABAN RECYCLING TEAM!

Welcome to Brijabasi Spirit
Thank you for taking the time to visit the New Vrindaban community blog. Think of visiting our blog as making a virtual pilgrimage.
Hare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
"May cows stay in front of me; may cows stay behind me; may cows stay on both sides of me. May I always reside in the midst of cows."
Hari Bhakti-vilas 16.252
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