More Experiences in New Vrindaban…

Bhakta Justin has been baking some outstanding cookies to help the new devotees raise funds for traveling to Holy Places of Pilgrimage in India.


Special thanks to the devotees in the snack bar who undergo the austerity of long hours, hard work and meeting the demands of 100s of guests each weekend. The cooks are usually pujaris to Radha Vrindabancandra and the temple bhaktins do the cashier work.


We had a nice visit from the Warp Tour sankirtana devotees: Murti, Anandavidya, Dwarakesa, martanda, and Paramesvara Prabhus. Saturday night’s gaura arati with these compassionate devotees was ecstatic beyond belief thanks to the kirtana leading skills of Parampara Prabhu and the sankirtana enthusiasm. Look for a blog devoted to these Prabhus coming soon.


What a treat it is to have Ananda Tirtha prabhu in our temple! One cannot help but be awestruck at his memorization of samskara mantras and sweet exchanges with our visitors. Here Raj receives the cuda or mundam samskara (first cutting of the childs hair) accompanied by his parents Nivendra and Sandra.


Bullwinkle sells fresh vegetables from our “Garden of 7 Gates” thanks to the harvesting efforts of Tapahpunjah Prabhu, Luke, Julia, Haridasa Prabhu, Bridget, and many others…


Thanks Shanka Prabhu for another wonderful Sunday Feast!


Now this is what New Vrindaban is ALL about…


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