Meet Cosmo

Meet Bhakta Cozmo aka Vishvarupa aka Cozmo-nata aka ‘Coz’

One of the finest members of New Vrindavan’s elite bhakta program, Cozmo prabhu has been bringing joy to the hearts of the devotees since his arrival in May. Just see the blissful expression on his lotus like face…


proof positive that devotional service works. He has been serving with great humility for the past 3 months, trying his hardest to maintain the rigorous schedule and standards of bramhacari life. Impressive. (especially after hearing him tell you in his light Brooklyn accent “prabhu, didn’t I tell you what I used to do in my life? Wake up, watch TV, eat some food, and that is about it”) What an improvement it is, from American to Vaishnava in 2.3 months.

Self proclaimed “subji das”, his favorite service is assisting Shanka prabhu aka Shanka-pada in the kitchen. He has threatened on many an occasion to cut up the whole cooler. A lean mean subji chopping machine. He also has a strong propensity to spontaneously ‘shank’ his fellow bhaktas. An esoteric lila only understood by the inner circle of NV bramhacaris. It must his Brooklyn roots emerging. But then again Tejo Maya prabhu aka TO-ny has never manifested such pastimes. It doesn’t get much more Brooklyn than him. Maybe its part of his eternal pastimes in the spiritual world. And you should see him dance in kirtan. Ecstasy. Oh and watch out for his deadly kirtan belly bumps. He can put you on the floor in no time. I know from experience.

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Reader Comments

Very Happy to see you being trained-up. You will inherit much nectar. If, at all times, you are at the correct place at the correct time–you’ll always be protected and glorified by Krishna’s grace and then the dovotees will always cherish your presence. Thank you Sri Krishna for leading Cosmoji to the Dhama. A new Brijabasi has come to town. Don’t be at the wrong place especially at the wrong time, lest you accrue some funky-token-karma.
Please see the mercy in all the small details of life and don’t take them for granted. Look forward to be respected for your exercise of tapasya. You are blessed and you got to work to stay that way.
Even the sauce is nectar in New Vrindavana. Keeping your nose to the grind stone is a metaphor for keeping your loved ones upper most in your heart, mind, soul and the sweat of you brow.

your friend and wellwisher,