Love of Krishna: Volunteer Week-Ends
New Vrindaban offers a magnificent opportunity for unlimited Bhakti and Radha Vrindaban Chandra are the ever present with Their unlimited mercy. NV is situated off the grid in a serene atmosphere, surrounded by forests and streams, lakes, and wild life.
Peacocks and swans greet guests with their own charm and beauty.
In preparation for Festival of Inspiration ’08 and the 2008 Pilgrimage Season, New Vrindaban Community needs to “Get Ready Now” and we “Need Help” to do it!
What can you or your group do to help and become more of a part of NV’s family?
Beginning on the second week end in April through the first week end in May, there will be a series of Volunteer Devotional Service Week End Projects that will lift up your spirits and help New Vrindaban get ready for the season at hand.
We need enthusiastic lay persons with hands, legs, arms who are “ready to go” as well as those with any professional abilities in areas such as plumbing, electrical, landscaping, carpentry, general handyman/woman, painting, gardening, etc
You can dance, chant, and feast your way through an array of services for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Chandra. What you will get is a whole lot of
The dates include the week end of Lord Ramachandra’s Appearance Day, April 12th & 13th as well as April 19th & 20th, and May 1st & 2nd.
Call Now for further information and sign up for a week end of volunteer ecstatic soul releasing bliss!
(All volunteers will receive a complimentary T-shirt in appreciation.)
Sign Up Now or get further information by contacting: