24 Hour Kirtan DVD–wholesale prices!

Attention all temple managers, gift shops, and anyone looking for a great gift! Today we received the shipment of the 24 Hour Kirtan DVDs! Please click on the picture below for full details:

This offer is mostly directed to the North American area, but international orders are also welcome (especially Australia as we’ll be going there in a few weeks).

Write to kirtan@pamho.net for all orders and note that all all proceeds go to funding next year’s kirtan event.

Hare Krishna,

NV 24 Hour Kirtan Team

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Reader Comments

“(especially Australia as we’ll be going there in a few weeks)”
– I am curious to know who is coming to Australia and what their program is. Can someone please advise me? Thank-you.
ys, Krishnapada dasa (ISKCON Brisbane, Australia)

Who all is coming over, and which cities are you visiting? Coming to Brisbane?