Presenters wanted for 10th Annual Vaishnavi Retreat: 2011
Sept. 30th, Oct. 1st & 2cd
New Vrindaban: Land of Lord Krishna
As the Retreat enters it’s tenth year, we cordially invite interested
Vaishnavi’s to consider sharing their talent and expertise, their wisdom and spiritual knowledge with others during this very special occasion.
Topics can be diverse with the under laying criteria being to connect with the teachings of Srila Prabhupada in practice. Broad areas include shastra, sadhana, japa, bhajans, kirtans, Krishna Prasad, Deity Worship, yoga, health and well being, to name a few? Krishna is unlimited, so are the topics related to serving and glorifying Him.
We welcome and encourage Vaishnavi youth and “first timers” to participate. Suggestions also welcomed!
Please contact Malati dasi _malatidevi@aol.com_
( or 304-845-9591
for further information and details about presenting at the Retreat.