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New Vrindavan Daily Darsan @ December 31, 2013

If one studies the Upanisads for a long time he will not obtain even an atomic particle of transcendental sweetness as a result of his study. On the other hand, simply by residing in Vrindavana one will become quickly drowned in a great ocean of transcendental nectar. May that supreme abode of Sri Vrindavana become […]

New Vrindaban’s Monthly Joint Boards’ Meeting Minutes – 12/19/13

Monthly Meeting Minutes of the Boards of Directors for ISKCON New Vrindaban & ECOV – 12/19/13 ISKCON New Vrindaban (INV) Vision Statement: Founded in 1968, Srila Prabhupada boldly envisions New Vrindaban as a sacred place known worldwide for Cow Protection, Self-Sufficiency, Holy Pilgrimage, Spiritual Education, and, above all, Loving Krishna. ECO-Vrindaban Mission Statement: ECOV is dedicated to cow protection, sustainable agriculture, self-sufficiency […]

New Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day Programs at New Vrindaban

The following New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day Programs will be held in the temple at New Vrindaban.  Everyone is invited! Tuesday December 31th 2013 5:00 am    Mangala Aratika 5:45 am    Japa session 7:00 am    Milking the cows at the Goshala 7:30 am    Sringar Darshan 7:40 am    Guru Puja 8:00 am    Srimad Bhagavatam Class […]

New Vrindaban Daily Darsan @ December 30, 2013

Please see the link for all photos …. The materialists, who are strongly attached to the objects of sense gratification, the ascetics, who cannot tolerate even a glimpse of sense happiness, the earnestly endeavoring yogis, the impersonalists, whose minds are merged in Brahman happiness, and the devotees whose minds have entered the lotus flower […]

New Vrindaban Daily Darsan @ December 29, 2013

Please see the link for all photos …. I have seen Vrndavana plunged into an ocean of sweetness by the amorous pastimes of two persons more splendid than gold and sapphires and more glorious than millions of Ratis and Kamadevas. [ Source : Nectarean Glories of Sri Vrndavana-dhama by Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati Thakura, 1-20 […]

Srila Prabhupada’s First Known Recorded Mention of New Vrindaban in a Lecture – August 22, 1968

The first known recorded mention of New Vrindaban by Srila Prabhupada during a Srimad Bhagavatam 7.9.13-14 Lecture — Montreal, August 22, 1968. “So fortunately, one of our students, he has taken a very large tract of land in West Virginia to develop a society like that, that simple life, eat simple things, grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, and […]

New Vrindaban Daily Darsan @ December 28, 2013.

Whose heart would not be enchanted by Vrndavana where Sri Radhika-Madanamohana enjoy many pastimes, where there are many trees and flowering vines, where the ground is paved with jewels, and where the birds, deer and other animals are all maddened with transcendental bliss? [ Sourcs : Nectarean Glories of Sri Vrndavana-dhama by Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati […]

“Everything You Need is Here in New Vrindaban”

An Interview with Krsna dasi from England Dec. 20, 2013 Lilasuka dasi:  Krsna dasi, what made you think of coming to New Vrindaban? Krsna dasi: Many reasons, really. But the main reason was that New Vrindaban was a very dear project to Srila Prabhupada. If I was going to go anywhere outside of my home […]

New Vrindaban Daily Darsan @ December 27, 2013.

I meditate on wonderful Vrindavana, where there are millions of lakes, ponds, and wells, all filled with water as sweet as transcendental nectar, where there are many gardens filled with blossoming transcendental flowers and fruits and unlimited wonderful trees and vines, where there are numberless transcendental deers and other animals who move here and there, […]

New Advocacy Group Forming in New Vrindaban

INVITATION TO ALL DEVOTEES OF NEW VRINDABAN First Meeting of Advocacy Sanga Agenda: Caring for Each Other, Caring for Devotees  Soul Searching: How can we attract devotees to live in New Vrindaban? What can we do to inspire long term commitment? Dear New Vrindaban Devotees, All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban […]