A cement crew adds water to their pour at Prabhupada’s Palace Wall – Dec. 2014
Prabhupada’s Palace Restoration Committee explored the options discussed at the Community Dialog November 1st, 2014, in regards to the restoration of the Palace wall:
A) remove the existing wall in its entirety and
B) provide an open and more visually transparent type of wall such as a metal fence
The committee decided after consultation with the architect Gus Kayafas to start the renovation of the Palace wall as previously proposed. The committee considered the following reasons:
1. The wall was requested to be constructed by Srila Prabhupada and was built in 1977.
2. Its mass evokes security both physically and metaphorically, controls the flow of visitors and deters vandalism to the Palace and grounds
3. This visual screen blocks views to the vehicular traffic and parking lots from within the Palace grounds
4. There is a wonderful sense of arrival created upon entering through the guard house gate and seeing the Palace and “secret garden” within.
5. The windows are open yet contain decorative iron grills that offer a peak through the wall and yet reinforce the sense of security.
We thank you all for your enthusiasm, interest, concerns and heartfelt desires to please Srila Prabhupada. Hare Krishna.
Your servants,
Palace Restoration Committee
Malati devi dasi, Ramesvara dasa, Dayavira dasa, Gaura Shakti dasa, Georg Valkai, Bhima Walker, Tripad dasa, Gopisa dasa, Jaya Krsna dasa