Nityananda Trayodasi in photos


Kitchen Crew at work


Sri Sri Gaura Nitai in evening arati




Matajis dancing


Cakes and more cakes


Rupanuga Prabhu’s gulabs


And last but not least, Dayananda in the pot room at 10 pm. . . .

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Regarding the use of sugar.
Sugar is the main cause of diabetes and other diseases,due to obesity, that’s crippling the world nowadays.But ISKCON is happily displaying cakes,gulab jamuns recipes etc,while many matajis(some prabhus also!) are now obese!Sugar is poison:just do a google research and see how much research has been done to prove this.Shouldn’t there be an awareness and change of desserts for the Lord and His devotees,who are supposed to give example of perfect living? Sugar is also bleached through bone charcoal,made of cow’s bones!